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AI to Create More Effective and Efficient Sports Performance

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors has brought about transformative changes, and the world of sports is no exception. AI has the potential to revolutionise sports performance, helping athletes and teams achieve greater efficiency, effectiveness, and competitiveness. This article explores the ways in which AI can be utilised to enhance

The Science of Food: From Farm to Fork, Understanding the Journey of Our Food

The journey of our food from farm to fork is a complex process that involves various scientific disciplines and techniques. Understanding the science behind food production, processing, and consumption can help us make informed choices about the food we eat and appreciate the intricate systems that bring sustenance to our tables. This article

The Water Brokers

This story is published in partnership with the Reno Gazette-Journal, with support by The Water Desk, an independent journalism initiative based at the University of Colorado Boulder’s Center for Environmental Journalism. For the first two decades of the 21st century, not even a once-in-a-millennium drought could deter real estate developers from building vast suburban tracts on

The Foul Chartreuse Sea

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, photographer not specified or unknown, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Researchers in Kotzebue, Alaska, are investigating why their town is increasingly playing host to harmful cyanobacteria. Dead fish were everywhere, speckling the beach near town and extending onto the surrounding coastline. The sheer magnitude of the October 2021

EU adopts the World’s first Regulation on Cryptocurrencies

The EU-Parliament passed a law to regulate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin more strongly. The new regulation will protect consumers from losses, and it will make money laundering and terrorist financing more difficult. In addition, providers are to be held liable in the event of massive losses. With the new law, Europe wants to end

Roadshow Internazionalizzazione

Il “Club degli Amici del Made in Italy” è lieto di invitare le imprese italiane agli eventi formativi e informativi, sui temi inerenti l’internazionalizzazione, che si svolgeranno dal vivo.La partecipazione è gratuita. Una costante non pare affievolirsi negli apprezzamenti di cittadini e imprese internazionali ed è il nostro “Made in Italy”. Siamo sempre così attenti ad