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Windows Interview – Foodies’ Challenge

A Gennaio, Milano ha ospitato la premiazione di un evento divenuto famoso e di tendenza anche in ambito internazionale. La redazione di Windows Interview ha partecipato e deciso di approfondire, grazie ad alcuni protagonisti, lo spirito e i prodotti della manifestazione realizzandone uno speciale. Gli ospiti di Bruno Carenini in questo speciale sono:

AI vs Human: Who Will Win the Job Market Battle?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making remarkable progress across a multitude of sectors, encompassing everything from manufacturing to healthcare, and finance to transportation. This leading-edge technology, underpinned by machine learning and big data, is set to reshape the job market, sparking profound questions about the future of human employment. AI in the Job

A lawsuit to protect streams could take away a prime firefighting tool

Every summer, wildland firefighters across the West gear up for a monumental task, aiming to stop fires that are burning hotter and moving faster with climate change. They accomplish this in two ways: on the ground and out of the sky. From above, helicopters sling buckets of water, while airplanes dump fire retardant —

Social Movements and Political Change: Lessons from History and Current Movements

Social movements have always been potent instigators of political change. From the Civil Rights Movement in the United States to the anti-Apartheid struggle in South Africa, collective action has significantly moulded the political terrain. This examination will delve into how social movements have propelled political change, gleaning lessons from historical and present-day movements.

By Fighting the Ozone Hole, We Accidentally Saved Ourselves

With the Montreal Protocol, life on Earth dodged a bullet we didn’t even know was headed our way. In 1985, the British Antarctic Survey alerted the world that in the atmosphere high above the South Pole a giant hole was forming in the Earth’s protective ozone layer. World leaders swiftly assembled to work

La scienza della motivazione: come incentivare il miglioramento personale e professionale

Per incentivare il miglioramento professionale e personale, è fondamentale comprendere le diverse esigenze e motivazioni delle persone. Alcune strategie per incentivare la motivazione includono la creazione di obiettivi realistici e sfidanti, la fornitura di feedback positivo e costruttivo, la . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è

Breakthrough: New gel shown to be effective for brain tumour treatment

A new “miracle” gel shows great promise for brain tumour treatment during lab tests at Johns Hopkins University. The gel is used to treat one of the most aggressive forms of brain tumour, glioblastoma, leaving patients with a diagnosed life expectancy of 12 – 18 months. The new treatment is used post-surgery to