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Navigating the Post-COVID Epoch: Confronting the Quandaries and Prospects in Economic Prognostication

This treatise delves into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that have materialised in the sphere of economic prognostication, brought about by the COVID-19 cataclysm. We shall probe into the following domains: The Metamorphosing Terrain of Economic Forecasting Repercussions of COVID-19 on Prognostication Constructs Data Veracity and Accessibility Modifying Forecasting Approaches for a Post-COVID

Calling in the Seabirds

Polihale, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons A tiny Hawaiian island is finally free of invasive rats. Now scientists are trying to coax back lost seabird colonies. Scientists are rebuilding a seabird paradise on Lehua Island, a small, crescent-shaped volcanic cone 35 kilometers west of Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i. Before the arrival of European

L’effetto della natura sulla salute mentale: come la natura può ridurre lo stress e migliorare la salute psicofisica

La natura ha un potere incredibile sulla salute mentale dell’essere umano. Infatti, numerosi studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che l’esposizione alla natura può ridurre lo stress e migliorare la salute psicofisica. Negli ultimi anni, c’è stata una crescente consapevolezza riguardo l’importanza di trascorrere del tempo all’aria aperta e di vivere in armonia con la

Peru national park sees deforestation spike despite carbon credit program: report

A March report from the Associated Press revealed that the carbon credit program in Peru’s Cordillera Azul National Park has been financially profitable but ineffective as a means of conservation. Despite that more than 28 million credits have been sold since the program’s launch in 2008, average annual deforestation has risen significantly. One

Cities Are Rethinking What Kinds of Trees They’re Planting

U.S. cities are losing some 36 million trees every year, but hardier species can restore their canopies. Kate Wheeling X April 11, 2023 Published in: Next City After a series of winter storms pummeled California this winter, thousands of trees across the state lost their grip on the earth and crashed down into

Science for Peace

In tumultuous times, science diplomacy can help keep the world stable — if we let it. By Fintan Burke In December of 1951, at a time of high tension in Europe, representatives from twelve nations met in Paris and agreed to create a new, international center dedicated to peaceful nuclear research. Three years

The Drug Company That Prospered Without Creating Any Drugs

The new drug looked so promising — except for that one warning sign. At the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting in 2008, Duke University’s Dr. John Sundy proudly announced that pegloticase, a drug he’d helped develop, was astoundingly effective at treating severe gout, which affects perhaps 50,000 Americans. In about half of