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The Role of Insurance in Climate Adaption

New research tests the promise of insurance to harden the U.S. economy to tropical storms. Tropical storms and hurricanes bring immediate and direct economic damage to communities and may also reduce a country’s economic growth for more than a decade. Models that determine climate policy in the United States have been criticized for

Turkey-Syria earthquake: Assad blames west as agencies struggle to get aid to his desperate people

Scott Lucas, University College Dublin It didn’t take long for Syria’s Assad regime to seek political and economic benefit from the devastation of an earthquake. As emergency services were reaching victims of the 7.8-magnitude tremor on February 6, regime-linked organisations demanded governments “immediately end the siege and unilateral coercive economic sanctions imposed on

TikTok: report on the presence of covert influence networks in Russia

TikTok, the popular short-video sharing app, has recently released a report that highlights the presence of covert influence networks in Russia that have been misleading European users. The report suggests that these networks have been spreading misinformation and creating fake accounts, and have been difficult to detect and moderate. Misinformation and fake accounts

Did Climate Change Kill This Greenlander 70 Years Ago?

In 1952, a landslide caused a tsunami that killed a Greenlandic man. Some researchers think he might have been an early victim of anthropogenic warming. On a vast shoreline of crumbled, sloping rock in central West Greenland, four fishermen are hard at work tending their nets. Barely an instant after they realize a

Windows Interview – Chiara Cassoni

Il crescente numero di incidenti e morti sul lavoro sono argomento di drammatica tendenza. Una legge quadro forse obsoleta e tanti adempimenti per le industrie del Paese.  Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel quinto episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è Chiara Cassoni, esperta e consulente per la sicurezza sul lavoro. Come recepiscono

United States Includes Dam Emissions in UN Climate Reporting for the First Time

Better accounting can go a long way in establishing sound policy to tackle the climate crisis. The Environmental Protection Agency recently earned applause from environmental groups for a move that went largely unnoticed. For the first time, the U.S. government in 2022 included methane emissions from dams and reservoirs in its annual report

News of the Week – Podcast

The podcast “News of the Week” covers the most important and interesting news stories from the past week. Each episode, the host will present a round-up of the top news stories, providing a brief summary of the events and their significance. The podcast will also feature interviews with experts and journalists to provide

Windows Interview

Stagione 3 Proseguono, nella terza stagione della serie, le conversazioni di Bruno Carenini con esperti di politica internazionale, protagonisti della società civile, del mondo delle imprese, dell’informazione, della cultura. Ognuno di loro risponderà alle domande e fornirà spiegazioni, contribuendo a chiarire il tema e soddisfare curiosità e voglia di approfondimento. Lingua originale: italiano.