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United States Includes Dam Emissions in UN Climate Reporting for the First Time

Better accounting can go a long way in establishing sound policy to tackle the climate crisis. The Environmental Protection Agency recently earned applause from environmental groups for a move that went largely unnoticed. For the first time, the U.S. government in 2022 included methane emissions from dams and reservoirs in its annual report

News of the Week – Podcast

The podcast “News of the Week” covers the most important and interesting news stories from the past week. Each episode, the host will present a round-up of the top news stories, providing a brief summary of the events and their significance. The podcast will also feature interviews with experts and journalists to provide

Windows Interview

Stagione 3 Proseguono, nella terza stagione della serie, le conversazioni di Bruno Carenini con esperti di politica internazionale, protagonisti della società civile, del mondo delle imprese, dell’informazione, della cultura. Ognuno di loro risponderà alle domande e fornirà spiegazioni, contribuendo a chiarire il tema e soddisfare curiosità e voglia di approfondimento. Lingua originale: italiano.

Vegan pies, shirts made from coffee grounds, and fan urine-based fertiliser: how Forest Green Rovers became the world’s first carbon neutral club

Third tier English football club Forest Green Rovers are grabbing the footballing world’s attention through their climate friendly practices. The world’s first carbon-neutral club have a fully vegan half-time menu, shirts made from recycled coffee grounds, and are now fertilizing their fully organic pitch with the urine of away fans. They lead the

By 2050, Washington might need to buy energy from other states

With the state’s power needs expected to double, it will have to import wind and solar to meet the demand. By John Stang / Crosscut.com For years, Washington has exported some of the electricity it produced. The state sent more than 18 percent of its generated power out of state in 2021, but

Rekindling the Practice of Cultural Burning: An Act of Climate Hope

Indigenous-led prescribed fire is helping to restore depleted lands and long-suppressed cultural practices. After more than 100 years of suppressing the West’s fires, land managers and government agencies are finally warming to the idea that fire can be beneficial — and necessary — for many landscapes. This idea is far from new among

Explainer: How Water Intensive Is Animal Farming?

The largest saltwater lake in the world is on the verge of collapse. Thanks to excessive water use, the Great Salt Lake in Utah is now reaching perilously low levels, with scientists and conservationists alike sounding the alarm. Fluctuating between 1,000 and 3,000 square miles over much of its history, the lake once

Serotonin: A Controversy That Never Was

The media went crazy when a study showed low serotonin doesn’t cause depression—but this was something scientists had known all along. The confusion caused some patients to go off effective psychiatric medications, exposing an information gap it’s been hard to bridge. We can do better, and here’s how. By Ben Rein For decades

Native Americans have experienced a dramatic decline in life expectancy during the COVID-19 pandemic – but the drop has been in the making for generations

Indigenous patients who live in rural areas often have limited access to medical care. THE PALMER/E+ via Getty Images Allison Kelliher, University of North Dakota Six and one-half years. That’s the decline in life expectancy that the COVID-19 pandemic wrought upon American Indians and Alaska Natives, based on an August 2022 report from