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A transit map for micro-scale urban development in Alexandria, Egypt

Due to Egypt’s strategic location among countries, transportation is one of the most significant development sectors because it plays a major part in today’s economy and society and has a large influence on growth and employment. Over the years, the Egyptian General Organisation of Physical Planning (GOPP) has prepared strategic general urban plans

Algorithms, Lies, and Social Media

Achieving a more transparent and less manipulative online media may well be the defining political battle of the 21st century. By Stephan Lewandowsky and Anastasia Kozyreva There was a time when the internet was seen as an unequivocal force for social good. It propelled progressive social movements from Black Lives Matter to the

New AI-technology could help early detection of breast cancer

In 2020, breast cancer amounted for 13,3 percent of newly diagnosed cancer cases in the European Union making it the most frequently occurring cancer type in the EU. On average, one in eleven European women develops breast cancer before the age of 74. An Indian Start-Up has now developed a new device that

Resurrecting Climate-Resilient Rice in India

Seemingly miraculous varieties that can withstand drought, flood, and saltwater intrusion are the result of centuries of selective breeding by ancient farmers. Until as recently as 1970, India was a land with more than 100,000 distinct varieties of rice. Across a diversity of landscapes, soils, and climates, native rice varieties, also called “landraces,”

Opinion: How China can boost Southeast Asia’s energy transition

China can help ASEAN countries reconfigure their electricity systems around renewable energy by sharing its own experiences Southeast Asia is today one of the world’s most economically dynamic regions, maintaining annual per capita GDP growth of over 3.5% in the decade up to the pandemic, higher than the US, Japan and Europe. Rapid

Why Congress Can’t Stop the CIA From Working With Forces That Commit Abuses

by Lynzy Billing ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. For more than two decades, the U.S. military has been barred from providing training and equipment to foreign security forces that commit “gross violations of internationally recognized

Buying the Final Frontier

Outer space was supposed to belong to all humankind. Should we surrender it to anyone who can pay up? By Philip Ball Hands up: Who thought it was cool that Captain James T. Kirk (aka Canadian actor William Shatner) got to go into space for real at the age of 90—and, at the

Jacksonville redistricting process raises questions of Sunshine Law violations

by Andrew Pantazi, The TributaryDecember 9, 2022 According to the version of events that Jacksonville’s city lawyers told a federal court, the City Council passed a redistricting map last month that carefully considered many factors. The council wanted a map that was “as logical and compact a geographical pattern as possible”, one that