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Satellite Data Reveal Uptick in Cover Cropping on Farms

Over the course of a decade, farmers growing corn and soybeans in the U.S. Midwest increased their adoption of cover cropping—a tenet of so-called conservation agriculture—by fourfold. Agriculture is hard on the planet, at least in the stereotypical caricature of “big ag”: Crops are propelled to maturity with a plethora of fertilizers, herbicides,

EU Directive: Minimum wage, social security and paid vacation for platform workers

Despite massive pressure from platform operators, the EU Parliament agrees on a directive for more rights for platform workers. In principle, they will be considered employees—with all employment and social security rights. That means: minimum wage, paid vacation, social security and benefits in case of illness and unemployment. The directive is set to

Smartphone use and social media addiction in undergraduate students

Children’s use of social media has increased significantly over the past decade. As a result, they are susceptible to smartphone addiction. In particular, parents’ and children’s well-being and behaviors are negatively affected by smartphone addiction. Such addiction likely affects both physical performance and lifestyle. Adolescents utilize their smartphones while performing other tasks. The