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Oil and Gas Operator Pays Millions for Clean Air Act Violations

Public prosecution ‘a great model’ for future suits against polluters. A recent agreement between an environmental group and an oil and gas company that dramatically cuts excess oilfield pollution at a facility in southern New Mexico could be a model both for quicker resolutions to pollution violations and a legal roadmap for private

SARS-CoV-2 and the role of close contact in transmission: a systematic review

SARS-CoV-2 transmission has been reported to be associated with close contact with infected individuals. However, the mechanistic pathway for transmission in close contact settings is unclear. Our objective was to identify, appraise and summarise the evidence from studies assessing the role of close contact in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Methods: This review is part of

Planetary Intelligence

To solve our global problems, we need to evolve into a global collective, taking inspiration from DNA, ants, and our own social success. By Sara Walker Try to imagine the future. What will our world be like? A techno-dream? A chaotic dystopia? You can find endless conflicting models of where we are headed,

The hidden emissions in the global food supply chain

World Wildlife Fund is exposing the environmental impact behind our favorite foods. How much do the supply chains for beef, coffee and paper each contribute to the climate crisis? The World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) Market Institute is attempting to answer that question with a collection of reports on 10 globally traded commodities, detailing

Windows Interview – Mirko Mussetti

Geopolitica, geostrategia e geocultura sono tre elementi che integrandosi portano vantaggi o svantaggi ai Paesi del globo: come si arriva a identificarli? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel secondo episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è Mirko Mussetti, analista di geopolitica e autore. La conversazione trae spunto dal libro dell’ospite “La Rosa Geopolitica”:

The 10 big climate insights of 2022

IPCC experts have distilled this year’s many important reports on climate change into 10 conclusions Experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have distilled this year’s main findings from climate science, in the hope that government delegates will take them on board at the ongoing UN climate summit. “The insights are