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Quante felicità ci sono?

La parola Felicità deriva etimologicamente da: felicitas, deriv. felix, -icis, “felice”, la cui radice “fe-” significa abbondanza, ricchezza, prosperità, mentre il significato di Felicità è definito come: – “Stato d’animo di chi è sereno, non turbato da dolori o preoccupazioni e gode di questo suo stato” (Treccani); – “Stato di chi è felice, di chi

How many kinds of happiness are there?

The Italian word for Happiness, felicità, deriving from felicitas (felice means happy in Italian, from felix -icis), has the root word fe-, meaning abundance, wealth, prosperity, while Happiness is defined as: – “A state of wellbeing and contentment” (Merriam-Webster); – “1. The state of feeling or showing pleasure; 2. the state of being satisfied

Five myths about Shakespeare’s contribution to the English language

Untitled design. Wikimedia Jonathan Culpeper, Lancaster University and Mathew Gillings, Vienna University of Economics and Business Shakespeare’s language is widely considered to represent the pinnacle of English. But that status is underpinned by multiple myths – ideas about language that have departed from reality (or what is even plausible). Those myths send us

Reuse can divert coal ash from landfills, but challenges remain

Industries rely on “beneficial use” of coal power’s toxic byproduct. Will stepped-up enforcement of federal rules interfere? This story is part of a 12-part investigation by the Chicago Investigative Project in the graduate program at the Medill School at Northwestern University. The amount of coal ash in the United States is hard to

What Is Pegasus? All About the Infamous Software (Infographic)

If you’ve been following the latest news on government surveillance scandals around the world, the name Pegasus may have popped up in your feed. It’s a complex story, so we’ve put together an infographic explainer that covers all the basics. How does Pegasus work? Check. Which world leaders were targeted? Check. Astonishing subscription

What to expect from the reign of King Charles III

Photo: JB PX. Stephen Clear, Bangor University The sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II marks the beginning of the reign of King Charles III. The transition period has already seen questions raised about whether we can expect the new king to be “interventionist”. These concerns are based on several incidents

Progress towards the Development of a Universal Influenza Vaccine

Influenza viruses are responsible for millions of cases globally and significantly threaten public health. Since pandemic and zoonotic influenza viruses have emerged in the last 20 years and some of the viruses have resulted in high mortality in humans, a universal influenza vaccine is needed to provide comprehensive protection against a wide range

Prince Charles: the conventions that will stop him from meddling as King

Stephen Clear, Bangor University Categorised by some as a “meddler”, for decades constitutional lawyers have debated whether Prince Charles will be a reformist when he succeeds the Queen. Specifically, his “spider memos” to government ministers – which evidence his views on political issues such as climate change – have been used as an