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How Does China’s New Rural Pension Scheme Affect Agricultural Production?

This study examines the spillover effects of China’s New Rural Pension Scheme (NRPS) implemented in 2009 as a cash transfer program for agricultural production. Based on the data collected by the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Survey (CHARLS) in four periods (2011, 2013, 2015 and 2018), we employ Seemingly Unrelated Regression to explore

Effects of vaccination against COVID-19 on the emotional health of older adults

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the mental and emotional health of the elderly, especially those from low to middle-income countries. However, COVID-19 vaccination may reduce this influence. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the effect of vaccination against COVID-19 on the emotional health of older adults. Methods: We selected a national, random, and stratified

Federal Privacy Law Has Momentum, but There’s a Catch

Many countries in the world have baseline privacy laws that set minimum standards for all kinds of data use. The United States does not. Many countries have independent data protection agencies that enforce privacy laws. The United States does not. Despite being the home of Silicon Valley, the U.S. has lagged behind the

Offshore Wind’s Turbulent Future

The realization that turbulence created by deepwater wind turbines could upset the spring phytoplankton bloom has researchers warning the rapidly emerging industry to proceed with caution. When it’s completed, Norway’s Hywind Tampen will be the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm. Compared with most wind farms—even other offshore wind farms—the Hywind Tampen is

Rising salinity threatens ‘the wealth of the world’ in Bangladesh

Archaeological sites such as those in the Mosque City of Bagerhat on the coast of the country are particularly vulnerable to climate change There must be something wrong with the saltwater,” ‍says Mohammad Helal Uddin, the khatib of the Sixty Dome Mosque, part of the Mosque City of Bagerhat, a Unesco world heritage

How this Tunisian island brings Muslims and Jews together

Home to Africa’s oldest synagogue, Djerba celebrates its Jewish roots annually In May of each year, Tunisia hosts a unique and extraordinary event. The north African country, home to the oldest synagogue in Africa, celebrates and revives its Jewish roots through the pilgrimage of La Ghriba, an event bringing together different religions on

Five reasons why the four-day week won’t work

Will it stand up? Randy Fath/Unsplash, CC BY-SA Wim Naudé, University College Cork The four-day working week continues to gain momentum, with pilots taking place in the UK, Ireland, US, Canada and Australia. Over six-month periods between February and November, employees at participating businesses are working only 80% of their time but still