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Windows Interview – Munari e Davola

In ogni Paese, discutere del sistema scolastico risulta essere complesso e quasi sempre conduce a due visioni distinte dell’organizzazione e dell’indirizzo formativo da attuare. Ospiti di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, sono Ottavia Munari e Andrea Davola, ricercatori della Fondazione Luigi Einaudi. La conversazione trae spunto dal libro

USA: Apple employees form union for the first time

In the US state of Maryland, employees at an Apple Store have voted to form a union. At the Towson store, 65 of the 110 employees voted in favour of the union. For years, Apple blocked the efforts of its employees. Now the company’s first union is being established – despite attempts at

Tennis star Ons Jabeur is Tunisia’s ‘minister of happiness’

Ons Jabeur of Tunisia has made tennis history at Wimbledon. Clive Brunskill/Getty Images Monia Lachheb, Université de la Manouba Ons Jabeur from Tunisia has become the first African and the first Arab woman tennis player since 1968 to reach a tennis grand slam singles final. She’s done so at the Wimbledon tennis tournament.

Shinzo Abe’s killing: the history of political violence in Japan

Hugo Dobson, University of Sheffield and Kristian Magnus Hauken, University of Sheffield Our reaction upon hearing the news of the shooting of former prime minister Shinzo Abe was one of shock and incredulity in equal measure. What followed was a frenzy of trying to piece news reports and gossip together to make sense

Windows Interview – Sara Moalli

A volte affrontare un reality televisivo dà il coraggio di fare scelte importanti, offrendo visioni differenti di sé stessi e del futuro. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Sara Moalli, vincitrice di Bake Off Italia 8. Nel corso della conversazione ci soffermiamo sul dietro le quinte,

Facebook Finally Agrees to Eliminate Tool That Enabled Discriminatory Advertising

by Ariana Tobin and Ava Kofman ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Series: Machine Bias Investigating Algorithmic Injustice In a settlement announced by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, Meta Platforms — formerly known as Facebook —

Peaceful Settlement of Interstate Online Disputes

This paper covers the existing international law toolbox on peaceful settlement of disputes and its application to online conflicts. It reiterates the existing measures of diplomatic and judicial measures to address differing positions of states and non-state actors as well as their applicability for the unique online environment. International law has always had

Conceptualizing Cybercrime: Definitions, Typologies and Taxonomies

Cybercrime is becoming ever more pervasive and yet the lack of consensus surrounding what constitutes a cybercrime has a significant impact on society, legal and policy response, and academic research. Difficulties in understanding cybercrime begin with the variability in terminology and lack of consistency in cybercrime legislation across jurisdictions. In this review, using