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Moving from theory to implementation on human rights and poverty

Using a human rights approach means reconceptualizing what our systems do, what they aim for, and who they serve. It is the ultimate in systems change. Elizabeth McIsaac, president of Maytree, reflects on the foundation’s work and role in implementing a human rights approach to poverty. As foundations, we walk a path, sometimes

Inflation: why it’s happening and why interest rates are going up to combat it

Inflation rates are currently rising, reflecting the increasing cost of goods and services. PERO Studio / Shutterstock Supriya Kapoor, Trinity College Dublin Soaring prices have forced central banks in many developed countries to raise their interest rates in recent weeks. These organisations are in charge of attempts to rein in rising costs that

World Cup theme songs through the ages

These songs have been sources of national pride and politicization The World Cup will kick off in Qatar in November 2022, which means the official World Cup anthem will soon be introduced. The organizing committee first established the theme song tradition during the 1962 FIFA World Cup in Chile, when organizers used songs

Golf and Health, More than 18 Holes—A Bibliometric Analysis

Despite golf’s contribution to health, scientific production related to golf and health has been relatively scarce. This work aims to investigate the state of the art on golf and health and to identify existing gaps and the principal and most notable potential future research trends, contributing to connecting the reality of the facilities

Windows Interview

Stagione 2 Nella seconda stagione di conversazioni tematiche, Bruno Carenini incontra esperti di politica internazionale, protagonisti della società civile, del mondo delle imprese, dell’arte, della cultura. Ognuno di loro racconta sé stesso e fornisce spiegazioni esaurienti, contribuendo a chiarire il tema e soddisfare curiosità e voglia di approfondimento. Lingua originale: italiano. Stagione 3