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Windows Interview – Lorenzo Riberto

Nella settimana della ricorrenza dei moti di Stonewall, origine delle rivendicazioni dei Diritti Umani LGBT+, redazione ed editore hanno voluto dedicare una conversazione a un tema sempre oggetto di discussioni. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Lorenzo Riberto, Senior Omnichannel Program Manager del Gruppo Rossignol. Nella

“Work will pay again”: EU directive for adequate minimum wage

The EU Parliament agrees on the new directive for an adequate minimum wage. In the future, the cost of living, purchasing power, general economic growth and the wage structure of an EU member state will be used as benchmarks for the national minimum wage. The new directive obliges EU member states to ensure

Roe overturned: What you need to know about the Supreme Court abortion decision

A half-century of reproduction rights upended by the Supreme Court. Brandon Bell/Getty Images Linda C. McClain, Boston University and Nicole Huberfeld, Boston University After half a century, Americans’ constitutional right to get an abortion has been overturned by the Supreme Court. The ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – handed down

The Truth behind the Myth of Russia ‘Threatened’ by NATO

Facts give the lie to Russia’s claim to be defending itself against an expansionist NATO. Moscow has always been the biggest threat to its neighbours, to freedom and to the whole of humanity. The regime of Vladimir Putin spends more than $300 million annually on disseminating its propaganda and disinformation in various languages

Diversità e inclusione nel mondo delle imprese

Diversità ed inclusione: dopo la trasformazione digitale e le politiche di lavoro agile, il terzo fattore di successo che ancora fatica a farsi strada nel mondo aziendale. 1. Introduzione Credo fosse il 2015 quando per la prima volta mi trovai a discutere di trasformazione digitale in un contesto di impresa. L’idea alla base

Diversity and inclusion in companies

Diversity & Inclusion: after digital transformation and smart-working policies, the third key success pillar that companies fail to embrace 1. Introduction It was 2015 when I first heard companies discussing digital transformation and how this would have changed their business, with the idea that productivity, efficiency, and sales as a result could leap

The autotelic self

What does “autotelic” mean? Literally it means “end in itself,” but what is the real meaning, if we bring it back to our lives? In the context of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s “Flow theory,” someone with an autotelic self tends to appreciate life, derives a pleasure in the absence of extrinsic finality, that is, they

Il sé autotelico

Cosa significa “autotelico”? Letteralmente significa “fine a se stesso”, ma qual è il significato reale, riportato alla nostra vita? Nell’ambito della “teoria del flusso (Flow)” di Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, la persona con un sé autotelico tende ad apprezzare la vita, trae un piacere in assenza di finalità estrinseche, cioè senza preoccuparsi delle ricompense esterne,