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Windows Interview – Michael L. Giffoni

La conferma di una politica soft nazionalista e filorussa in Serbia, le scintille nella Bosnia-Erzegovina e il malcontento nel Kosovo rappresentano la brace che arde sotto l’infodemia mediatica del conflitto russo-ucraino. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Michael L. Giffoni, ex ambasciatore italiano in Kosovo. Perché

New ‘Business As Usual’ with Russia Affects Arctic Climate Response, Experts Say

As global heating brings dire ecological challenges and new resource opportunities to the Arctic, international security experts agree that stakeholder nations must work together to navigate the changing security dynamics—with the exclusion of Russia, whose war in Ukraine is threatening international order. “Climate change is increasingly referred to as a defining threat in

Logic Bonbon: Exploring Food as Computational Artifact

In recognition of food’s significant experiential pleasures, culinary practitioners and designers are increasingly exploring novel combinations of computing technologies and food. However, despite much creative endeavors, proposals and prototypes have so far largely maintained a traditional divide, treating food and technology as separate entities.In contrast, we present a “Research through Design” exploration of

Why Bulgaria and Poland can withstand Russia cutting off their gas supply

Alexander Mihailov, University of Reading Russian energy giant Gazprom has completely cut off gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria. Both countries are apparently being punished for refusing Russia’s demand that they pay for their gas in roubles. Other EU countries have also refused to pay in Russian currency (doing so would provide a