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Cosa significa essere un mentore

L’obiettivo del mentor è quello di aiutare attraverso la sua esperienza e credibilità il mentee a sviluppare le sue abilità cercando di comprendere la sua “mappa del mondo”, la sua vera natura e i reali desideri, per rispondere alla domanda “chi voglio diventare?” come persona e come professionista e portare un mentee a

Whatever Happened to Biden’s Pandemic Testing Board?

by Bianca Fortis ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. When President Joe Biden was campaigning for office, he said that to beat the coronavirus, the U.S. needed the testing equivalent of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s War

Hydropower dams make a fish-friendly splash

Europe is awash in hydropower plants. There are over 21,000 of various sizes currently in operation, most of which are small plants generating less than 10MW, according to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) data from 2019. For some countries, like Italy, hydropower is the only renewable way to generate baseload power. But for fish

Windows Interview – Cristian Tava

Il mondo sostenibile inizia con le piccole realtà urbane, dai comuni ai bellissimi borghi d’Italia. In uno di essi, a Offagna in provincia di Ancona, nasce un progetto che vuole creare un modello adattabile a paesi, quartieri e città. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Cristian

Bitcoin’s huge energy waste

It’s thanks to “blockchains” that cryptocurrencies can be created without a central supervisory authority. The bitcoin is one of these currencies, but it works based on “miners” who compete in computations. The result is energy consumption that’s both huge and unnecessary, according to Jean-Paul Delahaye, professor emeritus at University de Lille and CRISTAL

Mental health consequences of COVID-19 in house staff physicians

A new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, was associated with a newly identified respiratory syndrome, COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019. SARS-CoV-2 rapidly spread across the globe, imposing increased working hours and workloads for healthcare workers. We have evaluated the prevalence of mental health outcomes and associated factors in house staff physicians in Panama.

Environmental Sustainability – Meaning, Examples and Importance

Every business can take action on environmental sustainability. Learn how to make your impact on the planet more positive. “The Basics” provides essential knowledge about core business sustainability topics. What is Environmental Sustainability? The concept of environmental sustainability emerged in 1987, when the World Commission on Environment and Development created the concept of

Imprenditore vincente in periodo post Covid

Esistono “medicine” per le aziende che stanno soffrendo in questo periodo post pandemico? E queste “medicine” sono realmente efficaci per il nostro mercato italiano? . Download full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico, professore e ricercatore di psicologia comportamentale presso la University of Northwest