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How do Russia’s reasons for war stack up? An expert on ‘just war’ explains

Two men speak in the backyard of a house damaged by a Russian airstrike, according to locals, in Gorenka, Ukraine, March 2, 2022. AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda Valerie Morkevicius, Colgate University War is always a tragedy. It sometimes seems inevitable. But is it ever justified? Philosophers, theologians, politicians and military leaders have wrestled with

Stress da preoccupazione

Lo stress rappresenta una risposta aspecifica del nostro organismo di fronte a un qualsiasi stimolo esterno o interno che possa costituire una minaccia alla nostra sopravvivenza o che provochi una risposta di adattamento tesa a ristabilire l’omeostasi (equilibrio) interna.La parola COVID – CRISI – GUERRA cosa genera dentro il nostro cervello emozionale? La

How Well Can the UN Development Program Manage Global Climate Funding?

The United Nations Development Program is still facing calls for accountability regarding the reported mismanagement of a project that aimed to mitigate climate change and was funded by a primary entity in the UN system. The project ran from 2010 to 2017 and was meant to improve energy efficiency in Russia, but internal

Windows Interview – Giorgio Battistelli

È accreditato come uno dei compositori più rappresentativi in Italia e all’estero. È autore dal pensiero brillante e geniale, un intellettuale contemporaneo capace di proporre e concretizzare idee e contenuti, con una professionalità dotata di capacità d’ispirazione e slancio vitale. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è

Procrastinare: perché lo facciamo

Procrastinare è parte integrante dell’essere umano, fenomeno che si acutizzata negli anni, mano a mano che diventiamo adulti, quando ci sentiamo sovracaricati di impegni, di cose non gradite che dobbiamo fare, di stress emotivo lavorato/relazionale. Cosa ci spinge a farlo? . Download full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan

Fact Sheet: Indo-Pacific Strategy of the United States

“We envision an Indo-Pacific that is open, connected, prosperous, resilient, and secure—and we are ready to work together with each of you to achieve it.”President Joe Biden – East Asia Summit – October 27, 2021 The Biden-Harris Administration has made historic strides to restore American leadership in the Indo-Pacific and adapt its role

Higher Wages, Free Healthcare: Why Portugal’s Socialists won the Election 2022

In Portugal, António Costa’s ruling Socialists won the parliamentary election with an absolute majority. The Portuguese voted for higher wages and pensions and a strong public health care system. To this day, Portugal suffers from the consequences of conservative austerity policies. “This is the victory of humility, trust and stability. The people have

Ukraine invasion: what the west needs to do now – expert view

Stefan Wolff, University of Birmingham With the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has overstepped an important line. The west sat by and did little when Russia invaded Georgia in 2008 and annexed Crimea in 2014. But the full-scale invasion of Ukraine that is currently underway is impossible to ignore. Putin’s actions and