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Five ways the federal government can hit Canada’s 2030 emissions milestone

Canada’s success will depend on how — and how quickly — the government puts those climate policies in place Dave Sawyer is the principal economist at the Canadian Climate Institute. Dale Beugin is the vice-president of research at the Canadian Climate Institute. Canada’s new 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) is a comprehensive, ambitious

Vulnerability and the Quest for Protection: A Review of Canadian Migration Case Law

Although the concept of vulnerability has become increasingly prevalent in both domestic and international migration policy in recent years, its precise meaning and implications remain ambiguous and under-examined. Without a coherent understanding of what makes individuals vulnerable, the concept can either act as a justification for additional consideration or reinforce stereotypes of disempowerment.

Can local innovations solve India’s justice problem?

Millions of justice needs never see any resolution in India. Online dispute resolution platforms, digitised grievance redressal systems, and other local innovations could help change that. “Hum ek security guard the. Thekedaar ne humare paisa le liye aur likhit mein humse le liya ki koi paisa dena baaki nahi hai. Shikaayat karne ki

Il fenomeno YOLO Economy

YOLO è l’acronimo di You Only Live Once, cioè si vive una volta sola. Il fenomeno della YOLO Economy (detto anche Great Resignation e Big Quit), è il fenomeno delle dimissioni di massa che è iniziato a manifestarsi negli Stati Uniti nel 2020 e sta colpendo anche l’Italia con un incremento dell’85% di

The Yolo Economy phenomenon

YOLO stands for You Only Live Once, that is, you only live once. The phenomenon of the YOLO Economy (also called Great Resignation and Big Quit), is the phenomenon of mass resignations that began to manifest itself in the United States in 2020 and is also affecting Italy with an 85% increase in

Le mascherine hanno ucciso il nostro sorriso e i nostri denti

Avete notato che le “maschere” che stiamo portando, generano sempre stati d’animo alterati e persone chiuse in se stesse e con le spalle ricurve? Siete consapevoli che tutto questo genera una variazione dello stress emotivo, che nel tempo porterà ad una alterazione negativa del tono dell’umore? . Download full article here Lingua

Windows Interview – Giovanni Berrino

Con l’estate alle porte, una delle regioni turistiche più amate e frequentate si prepara ad accogliere visitatori italiani e internazionali. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è Giovanni Berrino, Assessore al Turismo, Lavoro, Trasporti e Grandi Eventi della Regione Liguria. La Regione si è trovata ad affrontare

Easier Ride for Fossils, But $9.1B in Climate Funding as Ottawa Releases 2030 Plan

The fossil and transportation sectors get a relatively free ride and electricity producers do the most to decarbonize in the much-anticipated 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan released yesterday by Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault. The 271-page plan, mandated under the Canadian Net-Zero Emissions Accountability Act, charts a path for Canada to reduce