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Effectiveness of a third dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for preventing severe outcomes in Israel: an observational study

Many countries are experiencing a resurgence of COVID-19, driven predominantly by the delta (B.1.617.2) variant of SARS-CoV-2. In response, these countries are considering the administration of a third dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine as a booster dose to address potential waning immunity over time and reduced effectiveness against the delta variant. We aimed

How to survive working from home

How to survive working from home: Four winning conditions for companies AND employees After 1,5 years of the pandemic, people are leaving their home offices and are allowed to return to their usual workspace. But many of the new remote workers don’t feel like going back to business as usual. Working from home

BTalk – Comunicazione d’impresa

Stagione 1 Episodio pilota È arrivato il momento di raccontare l’impresa diversamente? Come dovrebbero comunicare le imprese per affermarsi all’estero? È davvero cambiata la comunicazione interna alle PMI? Quanto traggono beneficio dai social? Nell’episodio pilota, il giornalista e blogger Bruno Carenini, assieme ai suoi ospiti, cercherà di dare risposte a queste domande, fornendo

Socialism in the US: As American as Coca Cola

In the US, politicians like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez inspire millions of people – although they represent classic social democratic politics and even use the word “socialism” in their speeches. The fact that the US is more than turbo-capitalism and apple pie is also shown by the strong civil society that organizes

Cheap oil instead of democracy: The conflict between Iran and the US

In 1906, Iran was one of the first states in the Middle East to officially to become a democracy. However, in order to secure cheap oil from the country, the US and Britain overthrew progressive Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 and turned Iran into a “pro-Western” dictatorship. In doing so, they also

Finnish dairy brand “Valio”: profits go only to the dairy farmers

A Finnish dairy company is becoming a model company: the profits belong directly to the dairy farmers instead of large investors, the cows are fed only natural feed and climate-neutral corporate management is part of everyday life. Valio, a dairy company from Finland, is considered one of the most innovative and sustainable companies

Windows Interview – Francesco Fichera

Il settore dei videogames nel mondo fattura 170 miliardi di dollari. L’apporto tecnologico, sempre più importante, viene gestito da molte giovani Start Up. L’Italia ha di che essere orgogliosa: Blaster Foundry è una Start Up catanese d’innovazione tecnologica all’avanguardia, già apprezzata anche nei mercati mondiali; collaborazioni, sinergie di confronto e molta voglia di

Burgenland intends to become Europe’s first climate-neutral region

Burgenland in Austria under Governor Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ – the Social Democratic Party of Austria) wants to become the first climate-neutral region in Europe by 2025. To this end, Austria’s energy utility is investing two billion euros to fight climate change and presenting a policy with four pillars: Expansion of renewable energy,