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EU report accuses Russia, China of sowing mistrust in Western vaccines

From December to April, the two countries’ state media outlets pushed fake news online in multiple languages sensationalising vaccine safety concerns, making unfounded links between jabs and deaths in Europe and promoting Russian and Chinese vaccines as superior, the EU study said. The Kremlin and Beijing deny all disinformation allegations by the EU,

Cultura d’impresa e motivazione

Ogni impresa vive per raggiungere obiettivi. È parte integrante di un mondo, là fuori: mercati, contesto socio-economico, norme, altro ancora. Ha una mission, il perché essa esiste. Ha ben distinta l’immagine del futuro che vuole crearsi, la propria vision. Ne discendono strategia e risultati da perseguire. L’impresa è un sistema complesso, costituito da

Corporate culture and workforce motivation

Every company lives to achieve goals. It is an integral part of a world out there: markets, socio-economic context, norms, and more. It has a mission: the reason why it exists. It clearly distinguishes the image of its own future, its own vision. From this derive strategy and results to be pursued. The

Brazil cuts environment funds a day after making climate vow

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro approved a 24% cut to the environment budget for 2021 from last year’s level, according to official numbers published on Friday, just one day after he vowed to increase spending to fight deforestation. Speaking on Thursday to the summit organised by US President Joe Biden, Bolsonaro pledged to double

Windows Interview – Davide Munari

La Radio come mezzo di informazione, compagnia, ispirazione e tanto altro. Passano gli anni e, nonostante le immagini abbiano ormai preso il sopravvento, il suo fascino rimane intatto. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è un giovane deejay radiofonico emergente, talentuoso, con la passione per la musica e la

Rising inflation complicates Brazil’s Covid-19 crisis

Seven months after the blockade, Michele Marquez received unwelcome news when he returned to work. While she was away, the prices of almost every product she used as a beautician soared. “Glove boxes have risen 200 percent. A 37-year-old woman from São Paulo emphasized how costs were rising while earnings were declining, with