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Yes, You Can Recycle Milk and Other Cartons

One of the lingering images of the early days of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States is store shelves stripped clean of paper products — mainly paper towels and toilet paper. Fortunately, supply chains have rebounded, but consumers can help combat future paper product shortages by recycling not only paper, but cartons

The Dream Vacation Tour for Beatlemaniacs

If you were one of the 73 million Americans who tuned in to “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964 as the Beatles irrevocably changed rock ’n’ roll, prepare yourself for perhaps the perfect vacation idea. While it’s not quite All Beatles, All The Time, the tour has several other must-sees in London, Scotland

Study Shows Older Americans Are Coping Best During the Pandemic

If you think older Americans have struggled to cope through the pandemic, think again. According to new research by financial services firm Edward Jones, they have actually been faring far better than their younger counterparts. The Edward Jones and Age Wave Study focused exclusively on how different generations have held up emotionally and

Talend Survey Finds Executives Don’t Trust Or Understand Data

Despite being recognized as one of the most valuable assets in an organization, corporate data remains one of the least measured or understood. While decision makers have more access to data than ever before, there’s little way to make sense of it. New research delves into the difference between executives who are data-driven,

Explore Personal Style With Home Decorating Tips From an Artist

Decorating can be one of the most exciting times during your experience as a homeowner. Not only are you creating the essence of your home, you are also adding your very own personal touch and style. One of the easiest ways to add unique spice to an ordinarily drab room—incorporate exceptional artwork .

John Kerry says green economy will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution

John Kerry, the US special envoy on climate, is predicting that the shift to a green economy would entail “a bigger economic transformation” than the Industrial Revolution, according to a report. “​​The fact is we’re looking at the creation of the largest market in the history of the world,” he said ​Monday, according

Windows Interview – Franco Perico

Un settore in forte crescita, attrattivo per molti giovani in attesa di entrare nel mondo del lavoro, è quello della meccatronica industriale. Nella competitività dei mercati, quale sostegno offre il Governo italiano al settore? Quando si tratta di integrare i giovani dentro le aziende, esiste davvero un gap tra mondo della scuola e

China COVID-19 Vaccine Tracker

Chinese leaders have repeatedly stated that China will make its COVID-19 vaccine a global public good. More recently they declared that China is indeed fulfilling this pledge by exporting and donating its COVID-19 vaccines to countries around the world. This has generated a great deal of interest and discussion around the world. On

Here’s what scientists learn from studying pathogens in secure labs

Working with dangerous viruses sounds like trouble – but here’s what scientists learn from studying pathogens in secure labs Jerry Malayer, Oklahoma State University There are about 1,400 known human pathogens – viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and helminths that can cause a person’s injury or death. But in a world with a trillion

Naomi Osaka isn’t the only elite athlete to struggle with mental health

Naomi Osaka isn’t the only elite athlete to struggle with mental health – here’s how sport should move forward Andrea Scott-Bell, Northumbria University, Newcastle and Isobelle Kennedy, Northumbria University, Newcastle Naomi Osaka, world number two tennis player, is the latest in a long line of elite athletes to open up about their mental