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Science in the Public Eye: The Role of Public Relations

In the modern age, science communication has become more important than ever before. The way the public perceives scientific information plays a critical role in how that information is understood, accepted, and acted upon. As technological advancements shape our world at an accelerated pace, scientists, researchers, and institutions are increasingly reliant on public

Art and Society: A Profound Exploration through the Humanities

Art, in its myriad forms, has long served as a societal mirror, capturing and reflecting the pulse of the times. Far from mere personal expression, it embodies the cultural, political, and economic landscapes that shape the human experience. Through the academic prism of the humanities, one can delve deeper into how art and

Nature’s own chemistry could help reduce waste and improve health

When Dr Andrés de la Escosura, an organic chemistry researcher at the Institute for Advanced Research in Chemical Sciences (IAdChem) in Madrid, Spain, set out to fundamentally change the way that we produce the chemicals used in everyday life, his rationale was simple. Chemistry in nature is clean and efficient, whilst industrial chemistry

India’s Vivid Tapestry: A Beacon of Cultural Grandeur and Economic Ascendancy

India, a nation imbued with centuries of profound heritage and economic gravity, holds an unparalleled stature in the modern world. From its ancient civilisations to its present-day innovations, it has deftly maintained its singular identity while embracing waves of transformation. The confluence of India’s vast cultural wealth and its burgeoning economic prowess has

Chinese and Russian disinformation flourishes in some African countries – anti-US sentiment helps it take hold

Dani Madrid-Morales, University of Sheffield; Herman Wasserman, Stellenbosch University, and Saifuddin Ahmed, Nanyang Technological University The spread of disinformation is one of the biggest risks to societies. Recent examples have been conspiracy narratives about COVID-19 vaccinations and false claims about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The trend is linked partly to competition among world