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Green Engineering: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Sustainability

In the contemporary discourse on environmental sustainability, green engineering has emerged as a pivotal field, bridging the gap between scientific innovation and sustainable practice. The integration of engineering principles with ecological consciousness represents a transformative approach to addressing the environmental challenges that define our era. This intersection not only fosters the development of

Windows Interview – Actor Zone Studio

Per la prima volta viene trattato il tema del cinema e del percorso di formazione sempre più complesso che porta i giovani a diventarne protagonisti davanti o dietro la macchina da presa. Ospiti di Bruno Carenini, nel settimo episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, sono Alberto Viola, Angelica Casiraghi e Paolo Sandionigi

Visualizing Science: The Impact of Imagery in Communication

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and the proliferation of information, the role of imagery in science communication has become increasingly significant. Visual tools, ranging from detailed infographics and data visualisations to striking photographs and immersive virtual reality experiences, are not merely supplementary to scientific discourse but are central to how

1923: The Mystery of Lot 212 and a Tour de France Obsession

Title: 1923: The Mystery of Lot 212 and a Tour de France Obsession Author: Ned Boulting In “1923: The Mystery of Lot 212 and a Tour de France Obsession,” Ned Boulting offers readers an extraordinary journey through time, blending a passion for cycling with meticulous historical research and a flair for detective storytelling.

Over 65 e musica: la società invecchia

La società sta invecchiando e, secondo gli studi del World Social Report 2023, nel 2050 saranno oltre 1,6 miliardi le persone che nel mondo avranno almeno 65 anni. Rispetto al 1950, l’età media è cresciuta di 25 anni e servono nuove misure per riuscire a far fronte a questi cambiamenti epocali che hanno

Over 65 and Music: Society is Aging

By 2050, the number of people aged 65 and older will exceed 1.6 billion. Music helps and enhances cognitive functions, preventing certain diseases. Society is aging, and according to the World Social Report 2023, by 2050 there will be over 1.6 billion people worldwide aged at least 65 years. Compared to 1950, the

Humanities and Environmental Studies: Intersecting Disciplines

In recent decades, the confluence of humanities and environmental studies has emerged as a pivotal area of scholarly exploration, acknowledging the intricate interweaving of human culture and the natural world. This interdisciplinary approach affords a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues, incorporating not only scientific data but also historical, cultural, ethical, and philosophical perspectives.

Japan: The Enigmatic Land of the Rising Sun’s Cultural Tapestry

Japan, often epitomised as the Land of the Rising Sun, emerges as a realm of profound historical profundity, cultural affluence, and avant-garde innovation. Nestled in the Pacific Ocean, this archipelago harbours a heritage that spans millennia, embodying a singular amalgamation of archaic traditions and pioneering technology. This discourse traverses the intricate cultural mosaic

La scienza della formazione delle abitudini: padroneggiare il comportamento per una performance ottimale

La formazione delle abitudini è una componente cruciale del successo personale e professionale. Comprendere e padroneggiare questo processo può trasformare le nostre vite, aiutandoci a raggiungere performance ottimali. In questo articolo, esploreremo le più recenti scoperte scientifiche sulla formazione delle abitudini e forniremo strategie concrete, innovative e comprovate per implementarle efficacemente. . Read