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Maths degrees are becoming less accessible – and this is a problem for business, government and innovation

ph. Ground Picture/Shutterstock Neil Saunders, City, University of London There’s a strange trend in mathematics education in England. Maths is the most popular subject at A-level since overtaking English in 2014. It’s taken by around 85,000 and 90,000 students a year. But many universities – particularly lower-tariff institutions, which accept students with lower

Unravelling life’s origin: five key breakthroughs from the past five years

ph. MisFluffy/Shutterstock Seán Jordan, Dublin City University and Louise Gillet de Chalonge, Dublin City University There is still so much we don’t understand about the origin of life on Earth. The definition of life itself is a source of debate among scientists, but most researchers agree on the fundamental ingredients of a living

Innovazione empatica: co-creare soluzioni umane per sfide complesse

Nell’era dell’innovazione accelerata e della rapidità dei cambiamenti, ci troviamo di fronte a sfide sempre più complesse e interconnesse. L’approccio tradizionale all’innovazione si è concentrato principalmente sullo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie e prodotti, trascurando spesso il lato umano delle questioni. Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni, sta emergendo un nuovo paradigma: l’innovazione empatica. . Read

Nature’s threads: creating clothes from the ground up

From risottos to sauces, mushrooms have long been a staple in the kitchen. Now fungi are showing the potential to serve up more than just flavour – as a sustainable, bendy material for the fashion industry. Researchers are using the web-like structure of the mushroom’s root system – the mycelium – as an

Industrial policy may have part of the answer to Canada’s productivity problem

by Policy Options. Originally published on Policy OptionsApril 24, 2024 The Trudeau government’s latest budget contained a number of splashy items, ranging from housing policy to national defence. In the midst of a national housing crisis and with mounting geopolitical threats, it’s no surprise that these policy areas are getting attention. Another issue

Revolutionising Education: How AI Personalises Learning for a Future-Ready World

In the ever-evolving realm of contemporary education, Artificial Intelligence (AI) surfaces as a formidable catalyst, redefining the modalities through which educational content is tailored and distributed to accommodate the distinct requisites of each scholar. This shift towards AI-orchestrated personalised learning trajectories heralds a radical transformation in educational experiences, enhancing engagement, accessibility, and efficacy

Transforming Visions: The Influence of Tech R&D

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation, Research and Development (R&D) emerges as the pivotal force sculpting the future contours of industry, society, and everyday life. This intricate interplay of ideas, investment, and invention consistently drives the boundaries of what technology can achieve, underpinning economic growth and catalysing profound societal transformations. At its

The Evolution of Science Communication: Past, Present, and Future

In an era dominated by rapid technological advances and a continuous stream of information, the field of science communication has emerged as a crucial bridge between the scientific community and the public. The evolution of this discipline not only reflects the changing dynamics of media and public engagement but also underscores a profound