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Over 80% of the EU’s farming subsidies support emissions-intensive animal products – new study

ph. Jolanda Aalbers / Shutterstock Anniek Kortleve, Leiden University; Helen Harwatt, Harvard University; José Manuel Mogollón, Leiden University, and Paul Behrens, Leiden University The vast majority of the EU’s agricultural subsidies are supporting meat and dairy farming rather than sustainable plant alternatives. That’s the key finding of our new research, published in Nature

Consumer Confidence: Forecasting Economic Sentiments

In a world increasingly governed by the caprices of global markets, the barometer of consumer confidence becomes ever more pivotal in forecasting economic sentiments, serving as both a herald and a cautionary tale for future financial landscapes. The intricate dance between consumer optimism and its palpable effects on economic vitality cannot be overstated,

Windows Interview – Claudio Gandini

Nel contesto di frequenti turbolenze dei mercati economici e finanziari, le aziende, non solo italiane, stanno imparando a convivere aggiornando sempre più gli elementi del management in grado di minimizzare il rischio d’impresa. Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel quinto episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è Claudio Gandini, Avvocato.  Nel corso della

Spanning the Gap: Asia’s Pivotal Function in the Global Polity

Within the labyrinthine nexus of international polity, the pivotal essence of Asia cannot be minimised. The continent’s vast geopolitical terrain unfolds as a vivid fresco, adorned by a rich tapestry of diplomatic interconnections, economic vigour, and a perpetually morphing presence upon the global stage. This discourse ventures into the kaleidoscopic position Asia occupies

Neuroplasticità e performance professionali: come allenare il cervello per il successo

Nell’era moderna, il successo professionale non è solo determinato dalle competenze tecniche o dalle abilità interpersonali, ma anche dalla capacità di adattarsi, imparare e migliorare continuamente. In questo contesto, la neuroplasticità emerge come un concetto fondamentale, rivelando il potenziale illimitato del cervello umano per l’adattamento e il cambiamento. . Read full article here

The Craft of Benevolence: Navigating the Realm of Philanthropy

The quintessence of benevolence dwells in the unselfish regard for the prosperity of others, a precept that has sculpted human societies across the ages. This discourse ventures into the craft of benevolence, scrutinising its importance, the function of philanthropic organisations, and how individuals might engage in this commendable endeavour. Understanding Benevolence: Defining Benevolence

Unlocking Tomorrow: The Pioneering Pulse of Research and Development

Within the intricate maze of tech evolution, Research and Development (R&D) pulsates as the vital essence fuelling the machinations of progress. Far from merely a tale of academics clad in white or engineers before vast panels, it unfolds as a saga of unyielding exploration for enlightenment, comprehension, and utilisation that redefines societal functions,