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Why Trump’s tariffs can’t solve America’s fentanyl crisis

Rodney Coates, Miami University Americans consume more illicit drugs per capita than anyone else in the world; about 6% of the U.S. population uses them regularly. One such drug, fentanyl – a synthetic opioid that’s 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine – is the leading reason U.S. overdose deaths have surged

Equitable governance of agri-food data is imperative for global food security

by Policy Options. Originally published on Policy Options On farms around the world, data is increasingly being used to guide agricultural practices from influencing what crops to plant and when to plant them, to managing pests and allocating resources efficiently.   Vast swaths of information — on crop yields, soil health, weather patterns, worker

Lobbying in ‘forever chemicals’ industry is rife across Europe – the inside story of our investigation

Forever chemical or PFAS contamination is widespread, but so too are lobbying efforts. Melnikov Dmitriy/Shutterstock Gary Fooks, University of Bristol A team of academic researchers, lawyers and journalists from 16 European countries has exposed a huge lobbying campaign aimed at gutting a proposed EU-wide restriction on the use of “forever chemicals”. This campaign

Can Trump just order new names for Denali and the Gulf of Mexico? A geographer explains who decides what goes on the map

Known as Mount McKinley until 2015, Denali’s current name reflects what Native Alaskans call the mountain. Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images Innisfree McKinnon, University of Wisconsin-Stout President Donald Trump’s executive order to rename the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska’s Denali, the tallest peak in the country, has resulted in lots of discussion.

Science lifts the curtain on the history of European puppet theatre

Professor Didier Plassard is a leading scholar in theatre studies and puppetry at Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University in France. He has spent the last five years exploring the rich history of puppet theatre in Europe and its contribution to the development of a common European cultural identity. “Puppets have helped to build a