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The Science of Happiness: New Frontiers

In this engaging episode of “News of the Week,” hosted by Mike, listeners are invited to explore “The Science of Happiness: New Frontiers.” Mike delves into groundbreaking research and insights into what constitutes happiness, highlighting the importance of gratitude, the power of human connections, the concept of flow, and the practice of mindfulness.

Unveiling Tomorrow: The Crucible of Innovation and the Future of Global Prosperity

Within the intricate mosaic of the global economic sphere, innovation acts as the fundamental threads, intertwining to weave the tapestry of advancement. At the heart of this evolutionary journey, especially in the domain of technological progress, lies the fertile crucible of research and development (R&D). It is within these sanctuaries of creativity and

Windows Interview – Andrea Muratore

La geopolitica, oltre ad essere un tema fortemente di tendenza nei fatti di politica estera è anche uno dei temi richiesti dai molti visualizzatori di Windows Interview. La redazione lo propone in una delle nuove conversazioni della stagione. Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel terzo episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è  Andrea

Unveiling the Digital Renaissance: The Revolutionary Fusion of Science and Social Media

In the contemporary epoch of digitisation, the conveyance of scientific discourse has vaulted beyond its erstwhile confines, discovering a dynamic and interactive arena within the realms of social media. These fora have risen to prominence in knitting together communities, kindling dialogues, and advancing the cause of scientific enlightenment amongst the populace. This exposition

Churchill: An Extraordinary Life

Title: Churchill: An Extraordinary Life Authors: Sarah Gristwood, Margaret Gaskin, National Trust Books In the vast ocean of literature dedicated to the iconic British statesman Winston Churchill, “Churchill: An Extraordinary Life” emerges as a unique and captivating exploration of a man whose legacy is as immense as the history he helped shape. Authored

Bridging Epochs: The Symbiosis of Humanities and Technological Ingenuity

Within the boundless and continually transforming expanse of contemporary civilisation, the confluence of humanities and technology emerges as an unexpected yet vital coalition. This union, weaving together the ostensibly divergent strands of humanistic exploration and technological breakthroughs, not only deepens our comprehension of technology’s place in society but also revitalises the humanities with

Unveiling the Future: Navigating Asia’s Dynamic Demographic Odyssey

Asia stands as the behemoth of continents, both in sheer expanse and the thronging multitudes it harbours, currently witnessing profound demographic metamorphoses. These shifts in the tides of human movement are reconfiguring the economic terrain, the blueprint of urban development, and the tapestry of cultural interactions across this vast landmass. For decision-makers, commercial

Researchers and small businesses join forces against hackers

What do a Greek pharmacy, a Spanish multinational bank, a German foundation specialised in the digital economy and a UK university have in common? They all helped develop software tools with EU funding to counter cyber and physical threats to e-commerce in the European single market, the world’s most lucrative.  Prime targets Called ENSURESEC,

La psicologia dei Driver resilienti: come affrontare le sfide aziendali con determinazione

In questo articolo, esploreremo i driver psicologici che sostengono la resilienza e la drivership e vi guiderò attraverso le strategie pratiche per coltivarli. Imparerete come sviluppare una mentalità resiliente, gestire lo stress, adattarvi ai cambiamenti e utilizzare le avversità come catalizzatori per la vostra crescita professionale e soprattutto diventare veri driver della vostra