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How Argentina’s protesters are responding to a new president who wants to end environmental protections and sell off natural resources

Paula Serafini, Queen Mary University of London Argentina’s new ultra right-wing president Javier Milei, who took office in December 2023, has enjoyed a sudden rise to power. A libertarian economist who came to prominence for his aggressive, extremist declarations as a TV panellist, Milei managed to channel the desire for change of millions

Future of Education: Learning Redefined

In “News of the Week,” host Mike explores the future of education . The podcast delves into how digital technology and innovative teaching methods are transforming traditional learning into a more interactive, personalised experience. Highlighting the shift towards virtual reality, AI tutors, and student-centered approaches, Mike discusses the challenges and opportunities of ensuring

Tech Titans: R&D Strategies in the Digital Era

In the vanguard of technological evolution, the behemoths of the tech realm are redefining the contours of research and development (R&D) in this digital epoch. Their methodical and forward-thinking strategies in R&D are crafting a framework for triumph in an epoch where technological advancements occur at a staggering pace. Revolutionary R&D Modalities in

Windows Interview – Lorenzo Baldanello

Dopo lo scandalo di “Cambridge Analytica” che ha posto un punto di non ritorno in termini di privacy e vendita di dati, come è mutata la percezione del valore delle informazioni personali nei cittadini italiani e globali? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel secondo episodio della quarta stagione di Windows Interview, è  Lorenzo Baldanello,

The Future is Bright: Green Engineering and Renewable Energy

In an era where the clarion call for environmental sustainability resonates louder than ever, the realms of green engineering and renewable energy have emerged not merely as buzzwords, but as imperative cogs in the wheel of global progress. This investigative piece delves into the intricate tapestry of this burgeoning sector, where innovation dovetails

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life

Title: The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life Author: Steven Bartlett In a world where business books often rehash the same themes, Steven Bartlett’s “The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life” emerges as a breath of fresh air. Not just another tome on

Philosophy Today: Unravelling Contemporary Threads in Human Inquiry

In the ever-shifting tableau of present-day philosophy, the dissection of humanistic studies emerges as a cornerstone in our comprehension of the milieu we inhabit. Herein, we undertake a thorough exploration into the contemporary currents sculpting philosophical thought today, illuminating the intricate viewpoints and trailblazing conceptions that are transforming this domain. Transmutation of Modern