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Revolutionizing Construction: The Rise of Green Engineering

In an era where the clarion call for sustainability reverberates through the corridors of global industries, the construction sector, long critiqued for its substantial environmental footprint, is undergoing a radical transformation. Spearheading this change is the burgeoning discipline of green engineering – a philosophy that integrates considerations of sustainability, environmental impact, and ecological

Digital replicas of patients can help them get healthy

In a laboratory in the Italian capital Rome, Marco Evangelos Biancolini and his team are poking patients to gauge the effectiveness of different surgical procedures. But it’s not actual people under a scalpel – it’s their digital double projected on a computer screen, each reflecting the person’s individual biochemical makeup. And it could open

Earth’s Secrets: Unearthed

Embarking upon an odyssey into the intricacies of our terrestrial sphere, we discern that our planet is not merely a static orb but an ever-evolving tableau, ceaselessly sculpted by a plethora of geological phenomena. This thorough dissection seeks to penetrate the essence of these phenomena, furnishing an all-encompassing comprehension indispensable to those entranced

NeuroComunicAzione: utilizzare l’approccio basato sulle neuroscienze per ottimizzare la comunicazione con i clienti

Benvenuti a un nuovo capitolo della nostra esplorazione sulla NeuroComunicAzione (NCA), l’approccio rivoluzionario basato sulle neuroscienze che ha già trasformato la comunicazione con i clienti in molti settori. Oggi vi immergeremo ancora più a fondo in questo affascinante mondo, scoprendo come potete utilizzare la NCA per ottimizzare la vostra comunicazione e portare la

Climate change risks triggering a spike in infectious disease outbreaks: three reasons why

Wolfgang Preiser, Stellenbosch University; Cheryl Baxter, Stellenbosch University; Houriiyah Tegally, Stellenbosch University; Monika Moir, Stellenbosch University, and Tulio de Oliveira, University of KwaZulu-Natal Climate change is our planet’s most immediate existential threat, and will likely only worsen for the foreseeable future. Among its numerous adverse effects on human health, there is strong evidence

Beyond youth and LGBTQ credentials, France’s new prime minister Gabriel Attal reveals Macron’s managerial approach to politics

Arnaud Mercier, Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas For the last six years, President Emmanuel Macron of France has taken full advantage of institutional mechanisms to impose his hyper-presidential approach on executive power. But the absence of an absolute parliamentary majority has disrupted the smooth running of his system. A fourth prime minister in six years is

What is frostbite, what are the signs and how should we treat it?

Identifying the early symptoms of cold injury could help to prevent frostbite. Victoria Jones/PA Images via Getty Images Adam Taylor, Lancaster University As countries in the northern hemisphere face a bitterly cold snap, there is serious risk of injury – and even death – from freezing weather. Thankfully, with the right preventative and

Global Tech Trends: The Next Big Wave

In this episode of “News of the Week,” host Mike explores the latest global tech trends. He discusses the advancements in Artificial Intelligence and its impact across various sectors, delves into the Internet of Things and its implications for everyday life, and touches on the potential of Quantum Computing to revolutionize complex problem-solving.

Charting Uncharted Waters: The Quintessence of Research & Development in Technological Metamorphosis

In the ceaselessly metamorphosing realm of technology, Research and Development (R&D) emerges as the linchpin of innovation and forward march. This amalgamation of inventive cogitation and technological progression has transcended established frontiers of feasibility, laying the groundwork for an era teeming with untapped possibilities. This treatise probes the critical function of R&D in