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War in Europe is more than 5,000 years old – new research

Image of the site of San Juan ante Portam Latinam (Laguardia, Álava). José Ignacio Vegas / Universidad de Valladolid Teresa Fernández Crespo, Universidad de Valladolid Conflict has existed throughout human history, and it has often been violent. Attacks, assassinations, raids, ambushes and vendettas feature in archaeological records almost as far back as the

L’acquisto di oro da investimento, alla portata della più ampia platea di persone, in tutto il mondo

“L’oro è denaro; tutto il resto è credito” Questo è quanto affermato da John Pierpont Morgan, co-fondatore dell’omonima banca. Questa affermazione appare rivestire carattere, per così dire, profetico, rispetto al famoso discorso del 15 agosto 1971, dell’allora Presidente degli Stati uniti d’America, Richard Nixon, che annunciò, in televisione, una nuova politica economica, che avrebbe rivoluzionato

Fighting superbugs with tiny machines

Dr Ana Santos becomes emotional when describing what happened several years ago: her grandfather and an uncle died of a urinary tract infection and a good friend succumbed after an accidental cut got infected.  She was shocked. In an age of antibiotics, such misfortunes weren’t supposed to happen. Rise and fall of antiobiotics

AI Insights: Unraveling the Future

In this captivating episode of ‘News of the Week,’ join our seasoned journalist, Mike, as he embarks on a journey into the dynamic world of Artificial Intelligence. This 3-minute podcast delves into the transformative impact of AI on various aspects of our lives and the global landscape. From its integration into daily routines

Wild Isles: The book of the BBC TV series presented by David Attenborough

Title: Wild Isles: The book of the BBC TV series presented by David Attenborough Author: Patrick Barkham and Alastair Fothergill In a world where the natural wonders are often overlooked for the glare of urban spectacles, “Wild Isles,” presented by the venerable David Attenborough, emerges as a beacon of awe and education. This

Are You Ready to Birth a Billion-Dollar Unicorn?

A mythological animal? Without a doubt! Yet, the term “Unicorn” has come to represent the dream of millions of entrepreneurs around the world. Let’s see what this word objectively means in the business world. Unicorn companies are private startups that have reached or exceeded a valuation of 1 billion dollars. This term was

Sei pronto a far nascere un unicorno da un miliardo di dollari?

Animale mitologico?Senza ombra di dubbio!Al contempo la parola “Unicorno” ha iniziato a rappresentare il sogno di milioni di imprenditori in tutto il mondo.Andiamo a vedere che cosa significa, oggettivamente, questa parola nel mondo business. Le aziende unicorno sono start-up private che hanno raggiunto o superato un valore di 1 miliardo di dollari. Questo