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Un Nuovo Scenario per Piccoli e Medi Imprenditori nel 2024

Sta per iniziare un anno nuovo.Anche le piccole e medie imprese, come le persone, sperano che l’anno successivo sia quello della grande svolta o che possa diventare l’anno maggiormente straordinario di sempre.Per questo motivo si creano piani, mappe mentali e progetti.Una parte di questi piani è basata proprio sulla necessaria capacità dell’imprenditore di

Venturing into Tomorrow: The Dawn of Next-Generation Innovations

Embarking on a Voyage into Tomorrow: The Quintessence of Research and Development in Nascent Technologies In this epoch, where technological evolution stands as the fulcrum of worldwide advancement, the significance of Research and Development (R&D) in nascent technologies is monumental. This discourse explores the complexities of R&D in the sphere of emerging technologies,

The Art of Science Communication: Bridging the Knowledge Gap

In an era punctuated by rapid scientific advancements and complex global challenges, the imperative for effective science communication has never been more pronounced. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of science communication, a field striving to bridge the knowledge gap between the scientific community and the wider public. The significance of this

La Matrice della motivazione: decifrare le complessità dell’impulso umano

Nel mondo frenetico in cui viviamo, la salute mentale è diventata una priorità urgente. Le sfide della vita moderna, dai crescenti livelli di stress alle preoccupazioni legate all’isolamento sociale, pongono gravi minacce al nostro benessere psicologico . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato

Greener pastures: grasslands’ environmental and economic potential

German farmers in the Lower Oder Valley National Park on the eastern border with Poland faced a dilemma: what to do with grass that was useless as animal feed.  Like many of their counterparts in Europe, these agricultural producers were keen to avoid wasting a potentially valuable natural resource. They turned to the

Tradition Meets Modernity: The Evolving Face of Asia

In the dynamic expanse of Asia, a profound transformation is unfolding, seamlessly weaving the rich tapestry of traditional values with the brisk threads of modernity. This continent, home to ancient civilisations and burgeoning economies, stands at a crossroads of change, where the past and the present are not merely coexisting but also coalescing

The disagreement between two climate scientists that will decide our future

ph. Vladi333/Shutterstock Robert Chris, The Open University and Hugh Hunt, University of Cambridge Getting to net zero emissions by mid-century is conventionally understood as humanity’s best hope for keeping Earth’s surface temperature (already 1.2°C above its pre-industrial level) from increasing well beyond 1.5°C – potentially reaching a point at which it could cause

Terror in Uganda: what’s driving the Islamic State-linked rebels

Stig Jarle Hansen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences The Islamic State Central Africa Province recently attacked and killed two foreign tourists and a citizen in a Ugandan nature park. Located in the country’s west near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Queen Elizabeth National Park is about 400km from the