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The Metamorphosis of Economic Prediction: From Conventional Approaches to Machine Learning

The field of economic prediction has perpetually stood as a pivotal facet of contemporary economics, offering sagacious guidance for policy formulation, corporate planning, and investment strategies. The annals of time have witnessed a profound transformation in the methodologies and instruments employed for economic prognosis, mirroring the evolution in data accumulation, computational potency, and

Unraveling the Enigma of Charitable Giving: An Exploration of its Underlying Impetus

In the contemporary landscape, where the digital realm intricately interweaves with our quotidian existence more profoundly than ever, comprehending the enigmatic motivations underpinning charitable contributions has assumed paramount importance. Charitable giving, a foundational pillar of our societal fabric, witnesses an array of individuals and entities fervently engaged in acts of philanthropy. Yet, the

This Boy

Title: This Boy Author: Alan Johnson In “This Boy,” Alan Johnson paints a vivid and poignant portrait of his childhood, a story that unfolds against the backdrop of post-war Britain’s slums and social upheaval. This memoir is a testament to the indomitable spirit of two remarkable women: Alan’s mother, Lily, and his sister,

Ten Innovative Approaches to Revolutionize Your Business with ChatGPT

Full text reported from the movie “Terminator” SARAH: I need to know how Skynet gets built. Who’s responsible? TERMINATOR: The man most directly responsible is Miles Bennet Dyson. SARAH: Who is that? TERMINATOR: He’s the director of special projects at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation. SARAH: Why him? TERMINATOR: In a few months, he will

Dieci Approcci Innovativi per Rivoluzionare la Tua Attività con ChatGPT

Testo integrale riportato dal film “Terminator” SARAH: Devo conoscere come sarà costruito Skynet, chi è il responsabile. TERMINATOR: L’uomo più direttamente responsabile è Miles Bennet Dyson. SARAH: Chi è? TERMINATOR: Il direttore dei progetti speciali alla Cyberdyne Systems Corporation. SARAH: E perché lui? TERMINATOR: Tra pochi mesi perfezionerà un tipo rivoluzionario di microprocessore.

Reporting and Sharing Women’s Stories in the Face of Taliban Oppression

by Laura Oliver for Global Investigative Journalism Network• November 2, 2023 In August 2021, the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan two decades after being removed from power. Since the takeover, women have been banned from working most government jobs, ordered to cover their bodies and faces and advised to stay at home, prohibited

COP28: Why going beyond net zero is necessary to protect public health

The 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties – COP28 – starts in late November in Dubai. With the World Health Organisation (WHO), it will host the first Health Day and climate health ministerial, aiming to encourage commitments towards climate-resilient and sustainable low-carbon health systems. This health program has outlined five crucial focus

Etica dell’IA e Valori Umani: Principi Guida per un’Automazione Responsabile

Viviamo in un’epoca di straordinari progressi tecnologici, dove l’intelligenza artificiale (IA) e l’automazione stanno trasformando il modo in cui lavoriamo, viviamo e interagiamo con il mondo. L’IA ha il potenziale di migliorare la nostra qualità di vita, aumentare l’efficienza dei processi aziendali e risolvere complessi problemi globali. Tuttavia, questo progresso porta con sé