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“Common-Good”: Germany to provide greater support for social enterprises

The German government has unveiled its “national strategy” to provide comprehensive assistance and support for common-good-oriented companies. In the future, companies that focus on social and societal goals will find it easier to receive subsidies or loans. Around the world, there are more and more companies that strive for fair supply chains, sustainable

Neuroplasticità in azione: riscrivere il comportamento per un cambiamento duraturo

La neuroplasticità, la capacità del cervello di adattarsi e modificarsi in risposta all’esperienza, è una scoperta rivoluzionaria che ha cambiato il nostro modo di comprendere il funzionamento del sistema nervoso. In questo articolo, esploreremo come la neuroplasticità possa essere utilizzata come una potente forza per riscrivere il comportamento e . Read full article

Doc of the Day: 2023 Global Organized Crime Index

by GIJN Staff for Global Investigative Journalism Network This week, the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime released its second worldwide assessment, the 2023 Global Organized Crime Index, an eight-chapter report that found economic crises and political realignment have fueled global organized crime, which preys on the resulting civic instability, financial vulnerability, and

I’m a microbiologist and here’s what (and where) I never eat

px. Alex Andrei/Shutterstock Primrose Freestone, University of Leicester Every year, around 2.4 million people in the UK get food poisoning – mostly from viral or bacterial contamination. Most people recover within a few days without treatment, but not all are that lucky. As a microbiologist, I’m probably more acutely aware of the risk

The DRIVERS force behind improving rural-based healthcare research

The health needs of people living in rural and remote Australia differ greatly in comparison to their metropolitan counterparts. Access to healthcare, maldistribution of the health workforce, as well as the social determinants of health (such as education, employment, housing and social inclusion) all impact the ongoing health and wellbeing of regional communities.

The potential of quantum computing in transforming banking operations

Amidst the effervescent rhythm of London’s finance heartland, ensconced in gleaming edifices and serenaded by ceaseless transactional cadences amassing unfathomable sums, a discreet metamorphosis stirs. This metamorphosis, tethered to the profound and enigmatic quantum computing, offers a paradigm shift from the accustomed: traditional computing. While conventional mechanisms of computation draw power from bits—binary

Charitable Ethics: Navigating Altruism and Continuity

In the epochal journey of human ascension, philanthropy has been venerated as an illustrious undertaking, a selfless gesture to uplift the downtrodden. However, as the tapestry of the international socio-economic sphere transmutes, the nuances of benevolence deepen. Philanthropy has transcended the simple bequest of aid; it now teems with moral quandaries, one of