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The Wave, Arizona

A Geological Masterpiece Nestled in the Heart of Coyote Buttes North From the towering sandstone monuments of Monument Valley to the sprawling Grand Canyon’s deep chasms, Arizona’s diverse landscapes hold innumerable wonders. But in the far reaches of the Coyote Buttes North area lies a geological spectacle that’s virtually unparalleled: The Wave. Sandstone

Putin’s Prisoner

Title: Putin’s Prisoner Author: Aiden Aslin (Author), John Sweeney (Author), Paul Slack (Narrator), Steve John Shepherd – foreword (Narrator), Penguin Audio (Publisher) In “Putin’s Prisoner” Aiden Aslin recounts his harrowing journey as a soldier in the Ukrainian marines, facing the brutal reality of war and becoming a prisoner of the devastating conflict between

Colonizing Art

The euphoria surrounding generative AI often ignores ethics and rights, especially when it comes to artists whose work may be lifted for free and altered without consent. By Payal Dhar The much-hyped image-generating AIs such as Stable Diffusion and DALL-E can whip up original artwork with astonishing speed in response to natural-language text

Updating the logic of human resources classification

When a company hires a new resource as an employee, what is written after the words “qualification”, “category”, and “level” is crucial. The reason is, that the description affects the labor costs on the company’s budget, as well as the entire professional life of the person who is starting a career at the

Attualizzare le logiche di inquadramento delle risorse umane

Ogni volta che un’impresa assume una nuova risorsa in qualità di lavoratore dipendente, quello che scrive dopo le parole “qualifica”, “categoria” e “livello” ha una portata determinante. Influenza l’impatto che il costo del lavoro avrà sul bilancio dell’impresa, ma anche l’intera vita professionale della risorsa che sta per iniziare un percorso presso l’azienda.

AllPlay Footy: The fast-track to sustainable change for children with disability

Community sports are an important part of life for many young people. Participating in the likes of community football improves players’ physical and mental health, and helps them connect with peers and develop friendships and life skills. These opportunities and benefits should be accessible to all young people. Yet, young people with disability

The urgency of transitioning to a carbon-neutral future

In an epoch of fleeting digital soundbites and the transience of 24-hour news cycles, one narrative looms large and persistent: the inexorable march of global warming. A topic once the purview of ecologists has now percolated into boardrooms, political chambers, and public discourse. But why is this transition to a carbon-neutral future of

La Neurochimica della Leadership: Costruire Team ad Alte Prestazioni

Nell’era digitale e globale, la leadership riveste un ruolo sempre più cruciale per il successo delle organizzazioni. La capacità di guidare un team verso alte prestazioni è diventata una competenza imprescindibile per affrontare le sfide complesse e dinamiche del contesto attuale. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo

How extreme heat affects human health: A research roundup

by Naseem S. Miller, The Journalist’s Resource July was the Earth’s hottest month on record, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service, a program of the European Union. Extreme heat not only strains water, energy and transportation infrastructure, and affects crops and livestock, it also impacts human health. Many people don’t take heat

Paving the way for a new generation of Indigenous healthcare workers

Recent Monash graduate Dr Victoria Gentile is a perfect case study to show the rapid increase in the University’s Indigenous healthcare students, and also to show why more and more are needed. Her mentor, Professor Karen Adams, says: “Victoria is an inspirational Yorta Yorta woman from the northern suburbs of Melbourne. She’s got