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The Semiconductor Revolution: How Transistors Reshaped Our Digital Domain

Embarking on a captivating exploration of semiconductors, this article unveils the profound influence of transistors on our digital landscape. From their modest origins to their all-pervasive presence in today’s technology, transistors have wrought a revolution, fundamentally altering our way of life, work, and interconnectedness. These extraordinary devices, wielding the power to govern and

NeuroComunicAzione: Sfruttare la scienza del cervello per migliorare la comunicazione interna nelle aziende

La NeuroComunicAzione o NCA, rappresenta un nuovo paradigma nelle dinamiche di leadership aziendale. Questo approccio innovativo sfrutta la scienza del cervello per potenziare la comunicazione interna nelle aziende. Grazie alle scoperte della neuroscienza, è possibile . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato accademico,

Economia reale e impresa. Gli strumenti per far crescere le PMI

È noto come il tessuto economico e imprenditoriale italiano sia strettamente correlato alla realtà delle piccole e medie imprese. Cionondimeno, la realtà ci pone di fronte a nuove sfide. Queste realtà stanno diventando, per così dire, troppo piccole, per sostenere il passo dei tempi e generare maggiore redditività, fatturato e guadagni, con ricedute

Real economy and business. The tools to grow SMEs

It is known that the Italian economic and entrepreneurial fabric is closely related to the reality of small and medium-sized enterprises. Nevertheless, reality presents us with new challenges. These realities are becoming, so to speak, too small to keep up with the times and generate more profitability, turnover, and earnings, with repercussions on

How climate change drives hotter, more frequent heat waves

“This story was originally published by Grist.” This story is part of Record High, a Grist series examining extreme heat and its impact on how — and where — we live. In late June 2021, a high-pressure atmospheric system settled over Seattle to create an inescapable heat dome. Jean-Paul Yafali, a resident of nearby

The Chilling Question About This Week’s Record Heat Wave

We may soon remember this week’s record-shattering heat as an historic low temperature mark. But that hasn’t slowed down the oil and gas spin machine. What if this week’s series of record-shattering high temperatures turned out to be tomorrow’s record low, the benchmark against which future years and decades of global warming will