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Drivership: Il nuovo modello di leadership che ridefinisce la cultura aziendale e porta al raggiungimento di obiettivi senza precedenti con l’aiuto delle tecnologie emergenti

Title: Drivership: Il nuovo modello di leadership che ridefinisce la cultura aziendale e porta al raggiungimento di obiettivi senza precedenti con l’aiuto delle tecnologie emergenti Author: Amadeo Furlan Per tutti coloro che desiderano diventare veri e propri leader in campo aziendale, ecco il nuovo libro di Amadeo Furlan. L’autore, affermato esperto in consulenza

Small But Mighty: Why Antarctic Krill Are Worth Fighting For

Experts call for action to protect vast areas of the Southern Ocean and help safeguard the shrimp-like crustaceans at the base of the food web. If you love penguins, whales and a livable climate, then it might be time to stand up for Antarctic krill. These shrimp-like crustaceans occur around Antarctica but are

Drivership: Il nuovo paradigma di leadership per l’era digitale e globale

L’era digitale e globale sta ridefinendo il concetto di leadership e richiede un nuovo approccio che si discosti completamente dal modello tradizionale. La drivership, un’evoluzione rivoluzionaria della leadership, pone l’accento sul cambiamento di paradigma necessario per . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato

Meltwater from Antarctic Glaciers Is Slowing Deep-Ocean Currents

Antarctic ice drives crucial deep-ocean currents that help regulate Earth’s climate. But the system is slowing down. Part of Earth’s deep-ocean conveyor belt is slowing, and melting ice is to blame, according to new research. When the sea freezes around Antarctica’s fringes in winter, the ice expels salt into the water below. Trillions

Notes on companies in temporary economic difficulty

In the previous article, I mentioned, in the context of the more complex issue of extraordinary finance and the intervention of private capital in SMEs, without ignoring, for the same reason, large companies, the problem of the possibility of also helping companies in temporary economic difficulties. We are talking about a particularly delicate

When Deep-Sea Miners Come A-Courting

As the Cook Islands embraces the burgeoning industry, deep-sea mining companies are becoming part of the community’s day-to-day. Can the country avoid the mistakes of resource extraction’s past? The Cook Islands’ main harbor is a small indentation in the island of Rarotonga, which is the most developed of the nation’s 15 islands, yet

Cenni sulle imprese in temporanea difficoltà economica

Nell’articolo precedente ho accennato, nell’ambito della più complessa problematica della finanza straordinaria e dell’intervento di capitali privati nelle PMI, senza ignorare, per ciò stesso, le grandi imprese, alla problematica della possibilità di aiutare anche imprese in temporanea difficoltà economica. Stiamo parlando di un problema di particolare delicatezza. Com’è noto, il fondo utilizza denaro

Why are so many climate records breaking all at once?

In the past few weeks, climate records have shattered across the globe – 4 July was the hottest global average day on record, breaking the record set the previous day. Average sea surface temperatures have been the highest ever recorded and Antarctic sea ice extent the lowest on record. Also on 4 July,