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L’arte del feedback: come dare e ricevere feedback costruttivo per il successo professionale

L’importanza del feedback nella vita quotidiana: Il feedback è uno strumento potente che permea ogni aspetto della nostra vita. All’interno delle relazioni familiari, il feedback costruttivo può favorire una comunicazione aperta, migliorare la comprensione reciproca e rafforzare i legami affettivi. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan

The Significance of Hydration: An Extensive Manual for Ensuring Optimal Hydration

We cannot overemphasize the significance of proper hydration in maintaining overall well-being. Water, the Vitalizing Essence of Life, constitutes approximately 60% of the human body and plays a fundamental role in a myriad of crucial biological processes. These encompass digestion, nutrient absorption, temperature regulation, and waste elimination. Attaining and sustaining optimal hydration, therefore,

Taking concrete action on more sustainable construction materials

The construction industry has long been associated with negative environmental impacts, largely due to its heavy reliance on natural resources and high energy consumption. The industry heavily relies on concrete in many parts of the world. However, the energy usage required for the extraction of natural resources, production of cement and concrete, and

Heists Worth Billions: An investigation found criminal gangs using sham bank accounts and secret online marketplaces to steal from almost anyone – and little being done to combat the fraud

David Maimon, Georgia State University and Kurt Eichenwald, The Conversation In January 2020, Debi Gamber studied a computer screen filled with information on scores of check deposits. As a manager for eight years at a TD Bank branch in the Baltimore suburb of Essex, she had reviewed a flurry of account activity as

United States and India: The Dawn of an Era-Defining Alliance

In an evolving global landscape, a potential era-defining alliance emerges between two democratic powers, the United States and India. The podcast explores the recent diplomatic encounter between President Biden and Prime Minister Modi at the White House, delving into the shared aspirations, brewing tensions, and consequential agreements that could shape 21st-century geopolitics. Reading:

Unfolding Future Tech: Stalwarts in the War against Climate Transformation

Climate transformation poses a relentless global menace, and the urgency to unearth solutions capable of counteracting, if not entirely reversing, the repercussions of our historical and current behaviour, is skyrocketing. The instrumental impact of technological innovation in this crusade cannot be overemphasised. We venture to delve into five potentially revolutionary technologies that could