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Colleges Reduce Emissions by Offering Plant-Based Options by Default, Study Finds

New research highlights an opportunity colleges have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions — starting with the gleaming silver serving trays in their buffet-style dining halls. The project, spearheaded by Food for Climate League in collaboration with Better Food Foundation, Sodexo and three different university dining halls, found that swapping out meat entrees for

Coltivare la Resilienza: approcci neuroscientifici per prosperare in un mondo VUCA

Il mondo attuale è caratterizzato da una crescente complessità che richiede un approccio diverso alla leadership. L’ambiente VUCA in cui operiamo oggi richiede una maggiore agilità mentale e la capacità di adattarsi rapidamente ai cambiamenti imprevedibili. . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del Senato

Family Trees Clarify Relationships Among Climate Models

A new genealogy based on similarities in the computer codes of different climate models could improve studies that combine projections from multiple models. Climate models are sophisticated numerical tools used to estimate and explore what Earth’s climate was like in the past, how it behaves now, and how it will change in the

The Hollywood Strike Could Cost NYC Tens of Thousands of Jobs

Work related to film and television production accounts for some 5% of all jobs in the city. Greg David and Suhail Bhat, The City This article was originally published on Jul 20 2:05pm EDT by THE CITY Here is your July economic recovery update from THE CITY. We publish a new analysis of

Russia-Africa summit provides a global stage for Moscow to puff up its influence

Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Russia-Africa Summit in 2019 in Sochi, Russia. Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images Joseph Siegle, University of Maryland Forty-three African heads of state attended the 2019 Russia-Africa summit. They had high hopes that Russia would emerge as a new source of investment and trade for the continent. Russian president Vladimir

Here’s how China is responding to US sanctions – with blocking laws and other countermeasures

U.S. sanctions have further strained relations between the two superpowers. narvikk/iStock/Getty Images Plus Bashar Malkawi, University of Arizona After a recent meeting between U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and officials in Beijing, China released a statement demanding “practical action” over the issue of sanctions. The implication was that the punitive measures – imposed

Safeguarding A.I. with Voluntary Commitments

In this episode of “News of the Week,” we delve into a groundbreaking announcement made by the White House involving seven leading A.I. companies in the United States. Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI have come together to pledge voluntary safeguards on the development of artificial intelligence technology. As these companies