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South Africa begins own production of groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug to make it affordable within the continent

South Africa will soon begin production of the groundbreaking HIV-prevention drug, long-acting cabotegravir (CAB-LA), finally making the life-saving treatment affordable within the African continent. The treatment, which must be injected every two months, almost entirely eliminates the risk of becoming infected by HIV through sex. This development is expected to help millions of

Biofuel Made from Algae Isn’t the Holy Grail We Expected

New research using real-world data casts doubt on the energy efficiency of diesel alternatives that come from phytoplankton. Biofuels made from algae have had their time in the sun, with years of highly publicized investments from fossil fuel companies, such as Exxon and Chevron, and studies showing potential for the energy source to

Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst in Finance: Reshaping the Fiscal Realm

Prologue The fiscal domain has been undergoing a staggering metamorphosis, as it increasingly assimilates Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. Amidst the constant progression of AI that’s redefining sundry sectors, the fiscal industry hasn’t been left untouched. This discourse sheds light on the indelible footprints of AI in finance and the ways in which this

La diversità sul luogo di lavoro: come valorizzare le differenze per aumentare la creatività e l’innovazione

Nell’attuale contesto lavorativo, la diversità assume un ruolo fondamentale nel favorire la creatività e l’innovazione. Questo articolo si propone di esplorare l’importanza di valorizzare le differenze sul luogo di lavoro e di comprendere come la mancanza di diversità possa influenzare negativamente le relazioni e le dinamiche lavorative. . Read full article here Lingua

Summer Heat Waves Could Cause Blackouts Across the Country

Higher than normal temps could strain grids that are not used to unprecedented heat waves. This summer, as much as two thirds of the United States could be in danger of electricity outages should temperatures drift higher than normal, according to a forecast by the nation’s electrical grid oversight body. The 2023 summer

The Future of Water

A new book from water expert Peter Gleick urges a rethinking of how we use, manage and value one of our most important resources. It’s time for a reckoning … with water. It’s central to our bodies, the planet, our modern lives, and yet we continue to use it unwisely, to pollute rivers,

Tailoring university assessment in the age of ChatGPT

OpenAI has just released ChatGPT-4, the latest iteration of its powerful AI text generator. The tool is capable of generating convincingly human-like responses to almost any question users put to it. It can write limericks, tell jokes, and plot a novel. And it can draft a convincing response to almost any question a