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May 9, 2023

EU adopts the World’s first Regulation on Cryptocurrencies

The EU-Parliament passed a law to regulate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin more strongly. The new regulation will protect consumers from losses, and it will make money laundering and terrorist financing more difficult. In addition, providers are to be held liable in the event of massive losses. With the new law, Europe wants to end

May 9, 2023

Roadshow Internazionalizzazione

Il “Club degli Amici del Made in Italy” è lieto di invitare le imprese italiane agli eventi formativi e informativi, sui temi inerenti l’internazionalizzazione, che si svolgeranno dal vivo.La partecipazione è gratuita. Una costante non pare affievolirsi negli apprezzamenti di cittadini e imprese internazionali ed è il nostro “Made in Italy”. Siamo sempre così attenti ad

May 8, 2023

The Ethics of Economic Forecasting: Balancing Accuracy and Transparency

Economic forecasting plays a crucial role in shaping policy decisions, business strategies, and individual financial planning. As such, the accuracy and transparency of these forecasts are of paramount importance. This article will discuss the ethical considerations of economic forecasting, focusing on the need for balance between accuracy and transparency, as well as the

Apr 20, 2023

Navigating the Post-COVID Epoch: Confronting the Quandaries and Prospects in Economic Prognostication

This treatise delves into the multifaceted challenges and opportunities that have materialised in the sphere of economic prognostication, brought about by the COVID-19 cataclysm. We shall probe into the following domains: The Metamorphosing Terrain of Economic Forecasting Repercussions of COVID-19 on Prognostication Constructs Data Veracity and Accessibility Modifying Forecasting Approaches for a Post-COVID

Apr 17, 2023

The Drug Company That Prospered Without Creating Any Drugs

The new drug looked so promising — except for that one warning sign. At the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting in 2008, Duke University’s Dr. John Sundy proudly announced that pegloticase, a drug he’d helped develop, was astoundingly effective at treating severe gout, which affects perhaps 50,000 Americans. In about half of

Apr 17, 2023

The Impact of Economic Forecasting on Business Strategy and Planning

As the global economy becomes increasingly intricate and interdependent, businesses of all sizes rely on economic forecasting to inform their strategies and plans. Economic forecasting involves predicting future economic conditions such as growth rates, inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. These predictions are based on various data sources including historical trends, market indicators,

Apr 13, 2023

The Politics of Development in Asia: Balancing Economic Growth and Sustainability

Asia’s Development Landscape As the world’s most populous and diverse continent, Asia has long been a focal point for discussions on economic growth and sustainable development. Over the past few decades, countries in the region have experienced unprecedented levels of growth, transforming the lives of millions. However, this rapid development has come at