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Mar 9, 2023

Time to Invest in the UK: Opportunities and Considerations

IntroductionThe United Kingdom (UK) has long been known as a hub for international business and investment, and despite the challenges of recent years, it remains a top destination for foreign investors. With the country’s exit from the European Union and the global economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, some investors may be

Mar 7, 2023

Pandemic pet boom has increased the demand for pet-friendly workplaces

A survey found six in 10 pet-owning workers left their job for a pet-friendly workplace and seven in 10 were willing to trade pay for a pet-friendly office. (Shutterstock) Tina Sharifi, York University, Canada and Souha R. Ezzedeen, York University, Canada About one in three Canadian households have adopted a pet since the

Mar 7, 2023

China: stop using the Big 4 auditors

China has recently instructed companies to stop using the Big 4 auditors for their financial statements. This move is part of China’s efforts to exert more control over the financial sector and enhance its regulatory oversight. While this decision may be seen as a blow to the Big 4 accounting firms, it also

Mar 6, 2023

The growth of e-commerce

In today’s episode, we will be discussing the growth of e-commerce and online shopping, and its impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores. E-commerce has grown significantly in recent years, with more and more consumers turning to online shopping for convenience and accessibility. But what does this mean for traditional brick-and-mortar stores? For many years,

Mar 1, 2023

India’s growth: a new perspective

India is a land of diversity, a country with a rich culture and heritage that attracts millions of tourists every year. However, India is also a land of opportunities, with a rapidly growing economy and a highly skilled workforce. In recent years, India has emerged as a major player in the global economy,

Feb 24, 2023

Windows Interview – Mariano Bella

Sarà quiete dopo la tempesta ciò che ci aspetta in termini di condizioni economiche del Paese?  Qual è la verità sui dati congiunturali presentati a fine gennaio? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel sesto episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è Mariano Bella, Economista e Direttore dell’Ufficio Studi di Confcommercio. La conversazione basata