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Nov 24, 2022

Big Tech Layoffs in Europe: A Violation of EU Policy?

Amazon reportedly plans to lay off 10,000 employees, following Twitter and Meta’s lead; the question is: how will big tech conduct mass layoffs across borders? As big tech’s share prices fall and companies scramble to cut costs by slashing head-counts, a dot-com bust 2.0 is gathering speed and the world is along for

Nov 14, 2022

Amazon continues to destroy new goods and returns

An investigation by Greenpeace, Business Insider and ZDF frontal proves that Amazon continues to throw away and destroy returns and new goods. Secretly recorded images and conversations with employees reveal the ecological madness of a throwaway culture at Amazon. The company does not see itself as responsible, but rather the so-called third-party sellers.

Nov 11, 2022

Windows Interview – Silvia Zanella

I ripetuti cambiamenti in atto nel mondo del lavoro creano e suggeriscono visioni differenti della metodologia esecutiva nel prossimo futuro. Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel primo episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è Silvia Zanella, manager e autrice. La conversazione trae spunto dal libro “Il futuro del lavoro è femmina. Come lavoreremo

Nov 1, 2022

Collaboration trumps protectionism in Canada-Asia R&D investment trends

by Anastasia Ufimtseva, Charlotte Atkins. Originally published on Policy OptionsOctober 21, 2022 Protectionist sentiment in investment-recipient states is a perennial roadblock to international collaboration in research and development (R&D). The Investment Monitor 2022 (IM) report, recently released by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, draws alongside this roadblock, finding that foreign direct investment

Oct 28, 2022

Trust or Faith?

The distinction is not merely semantic, but rather a profound difference in feelings and behavior, first towards oneself and then towards others. To trust is to have confidence in one’s own or others’ resources. TRUST is an attitude towards oneself or others, produced by a positive evaluation of facts, circumstances and relationships which

Oct 28, 2022

Fidarsi o Affidarsi?

Non è una mera differenza semantica, ma una profonda differenza di sentimenti e comportamenti, in primis verso sé stessi e poi verso gli altri. Fidarsi significa avere Fiducia nelle proprie o nelle altrui possibilità. La FIDUCIA è un atteggiamento verso sé stessi o verso altri, dato da una valutazione positiva di fatti, circostanze,

Oct 18, 2022

EU: Sales ban on products and goods made with forced labor

Worldwide, modern slavery is on the rise, and with it, goods and products made under forced labor. The work usually takes place under poor conditions, violence, or threat of violence. The EU Commission is now proposing a ban on the sale and import of products made with forced labor. Bricks, textiles, and electronics.