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Sep 16, 2022

How many kinds of happiness are there?

The Italian word for Happiness, felicità, deriving from felicitas (felice means happy in Italian, from felix -icis), has the root word fe-, meaning abundance, wealth, prosperity, while Happiness is defined as: – “A state of wellbeing and contentment” (Merriam-Webster); – “1. The state of feeling or showing pleasure; 2. the state of being satisfied

Sep 9, 2022

Purpose in Life is good for you!

PIL is the acronym for “Purpose in Life,” referring to a “Sense of Purpose” or one’s “Reason for Being.” In the corporate world, the terms Vision and Mission are giving way to the increasingly common but meaningfully distinct notion of PURPOSE. If Vision represents the WHAT—that is, what a company wants to be

Sep 9, 2022

Il “Purpose in Life” fa bene!

PIL è l’acronimo (oltre che di Prodotto Interno Lordo) di “Purpose In Life”, letteralmente “lo Scopo nella Vita”, cioè il “Senso di Scopo”, il “Perché Esisto”. In azienda i termini di Vision e Mission stanno lasciando il posto ad un termine sempre più usato, per quanto con un significato differente: PURPOSE. Se la

Sep 6, 2022

Perception and Adaptation Strategies of Smallholder Farmers to Drought Risk: A Scientometric Analysis

Droughts are a worldwide issue that affects ecosystems’ economies and cultures; therefore, its perception and adaptation strategies among smallholder farmers are crucial for the mitigation of drought risk, and for sustainable food production. We used the bibliometric method to analyze 121 publications from the Scopus database to better understand the existing situation and

Sep 6, 2022

UK: 4-Day week trial shows first successes

The world’s largest trial of a 4-day week in the UK has got off to a successful start and is showing initial positive results. CNN Business questioned employees and participating companies: Many do not want to go back to the long working hours after the test phase – that’s how successful the reduction

Aug 22, 2022

Five reasons why the four-day week won’t work

Will it stand up? Randy Fath/Unsplash, CC BY-SA Wim Naudé, University College Cork The four-day working week continues to gain momentum, with pilots taking place in the UK, Ireland, US, Canada and Australia. Over six-month periods between February and November, employees at participating businesses are working only 80% of their time but still