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May 2, 2022

The New Times of Social Media Marketing in the B2B Framework

Nowadays, we live in the age of Marketing 4.0. Historically, marketing has often depended on changing consumer habits and needs. Thus, it is necessary to understand the new habits and needs of the consumer to make companies more and more effective. Currently, social media marketing (SMM) is ubiquitous in organizations, and is seen

Apr 29, 2022

Generational passage to family companies

From the latest ISTAT census of Italian companies, it emerges that 75% of companies are controlled by a natural person or by the family, and most of them are Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) with a number of people ranging from 3 to 49. Only 8.8% of family businesses have already been interested

Apr 29, 2022

Passaggio generazionale in aziende familiari

Dall’ultimo Censimento ISTAT delle imprese italiane emerge che il 75% delle imprese sono controllate da persona fisica o dalla famiglia, e la maggior parte sono Piccole Medie Imprese (PMI) con un numero di persone che va da 3 a 49. Solo l’8,8% delle imprese familiari è già stata interessata al passaggio generazionale negli

Apr 25, 2022

Urbanization and Grain Production Pattern of China

The flow and reallocation of agricultural production factors induced by urbanization play an important role in the changes of the grain production pattern (GPP). Using provincial panel data from 1996 to 2018 in China as the research sample, the center of gravity transfer–standard deviation ellipse model was applied to understand the change characteristics

Apr 22, 2022

Le formule della Prestazione: cosa sono e come metterle in atto

La Prestazione (o Performance) può essere rappresentata da due formule matematiche: P (Prestazione o Performance) = M (Motivazione) x C (Competenze) Entrambi i fattori di questa formula (Motivazione e Competenze) dipendono da te e sono sotto il tuo controllo. Se vanno a zero…il risultato della moltiplicazione, cioè la tua Prestazione, diventa zero, ma

Apr 22, 2022

The Performance formulas: what they are and how to implement them

Performance can be represented by two mathematical formulas: P (Performance) = M (Motivation) x C (Competencies/Skills) Both factors of this formula (Motivation and Competencies/Skills) depend on you and are under your control. If they go to zero… the result of the multiplication, that is your Performance, becomes zero, but if you act by

Apr 15, 2022

The Yolo Economy phenomenon

YOLO stands for You Only Live Once, that is, you only live once. The phenomenon of the YOLO Economy (also called Great Resignation and Big Quit), is the phenomenon of mass resignations that began to manifest itself in the United States in 2020 and is also affecting Italy with an 85% increase in

Apr 15, 2022

Il fenomeno YOLO Economy

YOLO è l’acronimo di You Only Live Once, cioè si vive una volta sola. Il fenomeno della YOLO Economy (detto anche Great Resignation e Big Quit), è il fenomeno delle dimissioni di massa che è iniziato a manifestarsi negli Stati Uniti nel 2020 e sta colpendo anche l’Italia con un incremento dell’85% di