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May 13, 2024

The Future of Money: Forecasting in a Digital Economy

As the digital transformation of financial services accelerates at an unprecedented rate, it heralds significant shifts in the landscape of global finance, redefining the very essence of what money is and how it functions within the burgeoning framework of a digital economy; this shift is not merely about changing technologies but involves a

May 7, 2024

Industrial policy may have part of the answer to Canada’s productivity problem

by Policy Options. Originally published on Policy OptionsApril 24, 2024 The Trudeau government’s latest budget contained a number of splashy items, ranging from housing policy to national defence. In the midst of a national housing crisis and with mounting geopolitical threats, it’s no surprise that these policy areas are getting attention. Another issue

May 6, 2024

Transforming Visions: The Influence of Tech R&D

In the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation, Research and Development (R&D) emerges as the pivotal force sculpting the future contours of industry, society, and everyday life. This intricate interplay of ideas, investment, and invention consistently drives the boundaries of what technology can achieve, underpinning economic growth and catalysing profound societal transformations. At its

May 2, 2024

Decoding Market Trends: The Science of Economic Forecasting

In the ever-evolving landscape of global economics, the science of economic forecasting emerges as a pivotal tool in navigating the complex interplay of market forces. With businesses and policymakers alike depending on precise projections to make informed decisions, the reliance on economic forecasting has intensified, but so too has the scrutiny it faces.

May 1, 2024

Psicologia della performance 4.0: sblocchi mentali per raggiungere l’eccellenza

Nella frenesia della vita moderna, l’eccellenza sembra un obiettivo ambizioso e, talvolta, irraggiungibile. Tuttavia, è possibile per chiunque perseguire e raggiungere l’eccellenza, sia nella vita personale che professionale. In questo articolo, esploreremo approcci innovativi e scientificamente validati che possono aiutare imprenditori e liberi professionisti a raggiungere il massimo potenziale in ogni ambito della

May 1, 2024

What is meaningful work? A philosopher’s view

What gives a task meaning? rangizzz/Shutterstock Caleb Althorpe, Trinity College Dublin Work is an inescapable feature of the modern world. Most of us, except for a lucky few, spend a significant portion of our lives working. If this is the case, we may as well try and make it meaningful. In a 2019