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Jul 13, 2021

The Dream Vacation Tour for Beatlemaniacs

If you were one of the 73 million Americans who tuned in to “The Ed Sullivan Show” in 1964 as the Beatles irrevocably changed rock ’n’ roll, prepare yourself for perhaps the perfect vacation idea. While it’s not quite All Beatles, All The Time, the tour has several other must-sees in London, Scotland

Jul 7, 2021

Explore Personal Style With Home Decorating Tips From an Artist

Decorating can be one of the most exciting times during your experience as a homeowner. Not only are you creating the essence of your home, you are also adding your very own personal touch and style. One of the easiest ways to add unique spice to an ordinarily drab room—incorporate exceptional artwork .

Apr 23, 2021

Windows Interview – Davide Munari

La Radio come mezzo di informazione, compagnia, ispirazione e tanto altro. Passano gli anni e, nonostante le immagini abbiano ormai preso il sopravvento, il suo fascino rimane intatto. Ospite di questo appuntamento con Bruno Carenini, nella sua rubrica Windows Interview, è un giovane deejay radiofonico emergente, talentuoso, con la passione per la musica e la

Jan 11, 2021

Windows Interview – Massimo Iannone

Anche la musica lirica strizza l’occhio ai social. Nella rubrica Windows Interview, Bruno Carenini ospita il tenore, maestro e vocal coach italiano di fama internazionale Massimo Iannone. Nel corso dell’approfondimento viene ripercorso l’esordio, la fondazione del Gruppo Ensemble Voci Italiane e la brillante carriera dell’ospite, passando per aneddoti, opinioni personali su temi di

Nov 20, 2020

Coca Cola unveils its Christmas advert

Provided by Good Housekeeping UK Coca Cola unveils its Christmas advert, and it s directed by Oscar winner Taika Waititi. Find out more about the Christmas advert here.Coca-Cola has released its Christmas advert – and after the disappointing news their Christmas truck tour is cancelled, this definitely makes up for it… The advert

Oct 8, 2020

March on Washington Film Festival Aims to Refocus Black Cinema History

As with most events held in , the March on Washington Film Festival has two major historical moments to contend with — the coronavirus pandemic and the racial reckoning spurred by the Black Lives Matter movement. But while hosting a film festival amid an unprecedented health emergency is definitely challenging, event founder Robert

Sep 17, 2020

Chloe Zhao’s ‘Nomadland’ wins top prize at Venice Film Fest

VENICE — Chloe Zhao’s “Nomadland,” a recession-era road trip drama starring Frances McDormand, won the Golden Lion for best film Saturday at a slimmed-down Venice Film Festival, which was held against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. Zhao and McDormand appeared by video from the United States to accept the award, given virus-related

Aug 5, 2020

Museum and gallery virtual tours: How does the experience measure up?

GLAM galleries, libraries, archives, and museums is one of many sectors that has embraced digital technology during the coronavirus pandemic, using it to help satisfy our desire for real life activities. Museums were allowed to re-open from the th July, but during lockdown, many promoted virtual tours as a way for online users