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Apr 6, 2023

As oceans warm, temperate reef species edge closer to extinction, study shows

New research found that most Australian shallow reef species, including fish, corals, seaweeds and invertebrates, experienced population declines over a decade, mainly in response to warming events driven by human-induced climate change. While scientists recorded species decline across Australian waters, some of the most pronounced changes occurred on the temperate reefs of southern

Apr 5, 2023

La psicologia del successo: come le emozioni influenzano le nostre decisioni

La psicologia del successo è un campo di studio che si concentra sull’analisi di come le emozioni influenzano le nostre decisioni, in particolare quelle che riguardano il raggiungimento di obiettivi e successi nella vita personale e professionale . Read full article here Lingua originale: italiano. Autore: Amadeo Furlan Amadeo Furlan è membro del

Apr 5, 2023

Protect This Place: Fracking Threatens the Allegheny Plateau and Its Biodiversity

A region historically plagued by industrial pollution is overwhelmed with unconventional oil and gas development. The Place: The Allegheny Plateau is a lower-lying portion of the Appalachian Mountain Range that extends from southern and central New York to northern and western Pennsylvania, eastern Ohio, northern and western West Virginia, and eastern Kentucky. Why

Apr 4, 2023

ChatGPT e Provvedimento del Garante: un altro punto di vista

Ormai molti anni fa, purtroppo per me, alla mia seconda lezione di informatica giuridica all’università, il mio professore stupì tutti facendoci vedere il film “Nemico pubblico” con Will Smith. Eravamo agli albori della normativa sulla privacy, con la 675/96 entrata in vigore da poco tempo e con il DPR 318/99 (il regolamento recante

Apr 4, 2023

WA bill would bring trauma-informed practices to sexual assault cases

The legislation aims to improve victim experiences and outcomes through better training and reviews of prosecutions. By Alisa Volz / Crosscut.com As a sexual assault survivor, Leah Griffin has spent years working to reform the public policies that she says repeatedly undercut her attempts to seek justice and heal. After the 2014 assault,

Apr 4, 2023

Supercharged El Niño Could Speed Up Southern Ocean Warming

Projected changes to El Niño will likely accelerate warming of the deep oceans around the Antarctic, supplying heat that could drive ice loss and sea level rise. When easterly winds weaken over the tropical Pacific Ocean, a string of weather extremes unfolds all over the globe, with impacts ranging from flooding in South