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Feb 27, 2023

The importance of Indigenous languages

The importance of Indigenous languages in preserving cultural heritage and promoting intergenerational transmission of knowledge cannot be overstated. The International Decade of Indigenous Languages, a United Nations initiative spanning from 2022 to 2032, is a call for urgent action to safeguard the world’s linguistic diversity.On International Mother Language Day, it is imperative that

Feb 27, 2023

How one city ended prison gerrymandering

by Aaron Mendelson, Center for Public IntegrityFebruary 17, 2023 This story is a collaboration between the Center for Public Integrity and Bolts. The Howard R. Young Correctional Institution sits between a creek and Interstate 495 in Wilmington, Delaware. For the last ten years, the prison’s 1,281 residents were counted as constituents of Wilmington’s

Feb 24, 2023

Windows Interview – Mariano Bella

Sarà quiete dopo la tempesta ciò che ci aspetta in termini di condizioni economiche del Paese?  Qual è la verità sui dati congiunturali presentati a fine gennaio? Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel sesto episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è Mariano Bella, Economista e Direttore dell’Ufficio Studi di Confcommercio. La conversazione basata

Feb 23, 2023

Choosing not to prosecute low-level crimes may reduce future crime, research finds

by Clark Merrefield, The Journalist’s Resource In most U.S. jurisdictions, an arrest by police does not necessarily lead to criminal charges, especially for low-level offenses. Government prosecutors often have broad discretion over whether and how to charge those arrested, based on evidence law enforcement personnel present them. New research in the Quarterly Journal

Feb 21, 2023

Tech Talk

Season 1 The new technology column.The Deeping is proud to present the highly anticipated launch of our new television programme. Get ready to stay ahead of the game in the tech world as our expert team delves into the latest advancements and innovations. Follow us with these 7 episodes where we will explain