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Feb 2, 2023

Navigating the ethics of ancient human DNA research

Paleogenomic research has expanded rapidly over the past two decades, igniting heated debate about handling remains. Who gives consent for study participants long gone — and who should speak for them today? By Emiliano Rodríguez Mega The 2022 Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine has brought fresh attention to paleogenomics, the sequencing of

Feb 1, 2023

Jordan’s electric car users battle with batteries

By: Fatima Bani Ahmed Electric car early adopters in oil-poor Jordan are now having to grapple with the thorny question of battery disposal, as demand for the technology accelerates across the region. It’s eight years since Jordan first began to import electric cars – the first country in the Middle East to

Jan 31, 2023

Seven facts about abortion in Minnesota

by Christopher Ingraham, Minnesota ReformerJanuary 25, 2023 This week the state Senate plans to take up a bill that will codify stronger protections for abortion and other reproductive health care rights into state law. The bill has already passed the House, and is considered a top legislative priority for the new DFL trifecta

Jan 30, 2023

Classified material found in the Indiana home of former VP Mike Pence

by Ashley Murray, Source New Mexico WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Mike Pence is the latest top public official to have been discovered possessing classified material in his personal home, according to a letter his lawyer sent to the National Archives. A dozen documents with classified markings were discovered in Pence’s residence in

Jan 30, 2023

Book of the Dead: The Species Declared Extinct in 2022

This year we bid farewell to two lost frogs, the Chinese paddlefish, a plant from New Hampshire, and many others. Last July scientists in Texas announced some surprising news: They had rediscovered an oak tree species previously believed to be extinct. Until then the last known Quercus tardifolia tree was believed to have

Jan 30, 2023

American and European Cinema in 2022

American cinema in 2022 continues to be a major force in the global film industry, with a wide variety of genres and styles on display. One trend that has emerged in recent years is the increasing popularity of superhero movies. With the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC Extended Universe,

Jan 27, 2023

Windows Interview – Tiziana Ciavardini

L’Iran è oggi al centro dell’attenzione per le atrocità in atto su una popolazione orami insofferente al regime. Diritti umani calpestati, terrore e repressione quotidiana, ma per la prima volta dopo anni  torna a soffiare  il vento della rivoluzione.  Ospite di Bruno Carenini, nel quarto episodio della terza stagione di Windows Interview, è

Jan 27, 2023

La forza che vince l’inerzia

È stupefacente come scienza, fisica, filosofia e psicologia si fondono tra loro su alcuni concetti. Per esempio la FORZA è quella causa capace di modificare lo stato di quiete o di moto di un corpo. In fisica si intende fattore esterno che smuove un corpo dallo stato di Inerzia, ma in senso più

Jan 27, 2023

Strength is the force that beats inertia

It is amazing how science, physics, philosophy and psychology come together on certain concepts. For example, STRENGTH can be seen as a force capable of moving a person between states of activity and inactivity. In physics, the corresponding term is FORCE, which refers to an external agent that moves an object from a