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Nov 1, 2022

Collaboration trumps protectionism in Canada-Asia R&D investment trends

by Anastasia Ufimtseva, Charlotte Atkins. Originally published on Policy OptionsOctober 21, 2022 Protectionist sentiment in investment-recipient states is a perennial roadblock to international collaboration in research and development (R&D). The Investment Monitor 2022 (IM) report, recently released by the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, draws alongside this roadblock, finding that foreign direct investment

Oct 31, 2022

The Working-Class-Jobs Candidate in the Era of Resentment

by Alec MacGillis ProPublica is a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox. Series: A Closer Look Examining the News Tim Ryan is a “crazy, lying fraud.” That’s how J.D. Vance, the bestselling memoirist turned Republican Senate candidate from Ohio,

Oct 28, 2022

Trust or Faith?

The distinction is not merely semantic, but rather a profound difference in feelings and behavior, first towards oneself and then towards others. To trust is to have confidence in one’s own or others’ resources. TRUST is an attitude towards oneself or others, produced by a positive evaluation of facts, circumstances and relationships which

Oct 28, 2022

Fidarsi o Affidarsi?

Non è una mera differenza semantica, ma una profonda differenza di sentimenti e comportamenti, in primis verso sé stessi e poi verso gli altri. Fidarsi significa avere Fiducia nelle proprie o nelle altrui possibilità. La FIDUCIA è un atteggiamento verso sé stessi o verso altri, dato da una valutazione positiva di fatti, circostanze,

Oct 28, 2022

Tropical Oysters’ Time to Shine

Temperate oysters have hogged the limelight, but heat-loving species have enormous potential to feed people, create economic opportunities, and rehab habitat in the tropics. Humans have enjoyed slurping oysters’ salty, slippery insides for millennia. The knobbly bivalves grow in oceans and estuaries around the world, where they filter water, shelter baby fish, and

Oct 27, 2022

Senator Questions Zuckerberg About Facebook’s Collection of “Sensitive Health Information”

Citing multiple Markup investigations, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia asked Meta to detail how it collects, filters, and safeguards sensitive information. By: Todd Feathers and Simon Fondrie-Teitler On Thursday—days after millions of patients across the country learned that their hospital may have leaked their medical information to Meta—Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) requested that