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Dec 30, 2022

Innovation ecosystems in health: countries and theoretical models used

This article sought to analyze the innovation ecosystems in health, countries that develop them and the theoretical models they resort to. To this end, three databases carried out a systematic review through a bibliographic search in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 40% of health innovation ecosystems are in the USA, 13% in South Africa,

Dec 29, 2022

In Alaska, a Mystery Over Disappearing Whales

November 30, 2022 by Saima May Sidik When Roswell Schaeffer Sr. was 8 years old, his father decided it was about time he started learning to hunt beluga whales. Schaeffer was an Iñupiaq kid growing up in Kotzebue, a small city in northwest Alaska, where a healthy store of beluga meat was part

Dec 29, 2022

Acacia mangium: A promising plant for isolating anti-hepatitis C virus agents

Medicinal plants are potential resources for isolating drug candidates. Various plants have been reported to possess pharmacological effects including anti-hepatitis C activities. The current study examined the anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) activities of Acacia mangium extracts in solvents with various polarities and further evaluated the mechanism of action of the extracts using Western

Dec 28, 2022

A transit map for micro-scale urban development in Alexandria, Egypt

Due to Egypt’s strategic location among countries, transportation is one of the most significant development sectors because it plays a major part in today’s economy and society and has a large influence on growth and employment. Over the years, the Egyptian General Organisation of Physical Planning (GOPP) has prepared strategic general urban plans

Dec 27, 2022

Algorithms, Lies, and Social Media

Achieving a more transparent and less manipulative online media may well be the defining political battle of the 21st century. By Stephan Lewandowsky and Anastasia Kozyreva There was a time when the internet was seen as an unequivocal force for social good. It propelled progressive social movements from Black Lives Matter to the

Dec 27, 2022

New AI-technology could help early detection of breast cancer

In 2020, breast cancer amounted for 13,3 percent of newly diagnosed cancer cases in the European Union making it the most frequently occurring cancer type in the EU. On average, one in eleven European women develops breast cancer before the age of 74. An Indian Start-Up has now developed a new device that