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Nov 10, 2022

Quantum Clones inside Black Holes

A systematic procedure is proposed for better understanding the evolution laws of black holes in terms of pure quantum states. We start with the two opposed regions I and II in the Penrose diagram, and study the evolution of matter in these regions, using the algebra derived earlier from the Shapiro effect in

Nov 9, 2022

Introducing Smol Links: Shorten URLs Without Tracking

Our WordPress plugin, built on top of Shlink, lets editors generate short URLs without compromising user privacy By: Dan Phiffer About the LevelUp series: At The Markup, we’re committed to doing everything we can to protect our readers from digital harm. We’re constantly working on improving digital security, respecting reader privacy, creating ethical

Nov 8, 2022

Overview on Strategies and Assays for Antibiotic Discovery

The increase in antibiotic resistance poses a major threat to global health. Actinomycetes, the Gram-positive bacteria of the order Actinomycetales, are fertile producers of bioactive secondary metabolites, including antibiotics. Nearly two-thirds of antibiotics that are used for the treatment of bacterial infections were originally isolated from actinomycetes strains belonging to the genus Streptomyces.

Nov 8, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Canada Pitches European Gas Exports, But Europe Won’t Be Buying

Canadians are being sold on a future of natural gas exports to Europe just as European countries speed up their exit from all fossil fuels, says a leading energy transition researcher who’s just finished a series two-week fact-finding visits to Ireland, Denmark, and France. “There’s a disjoin between what the industry and governments

Nov 7, 2022

Fossil Decline Has Begun, But Time Running Out to Cut Emissions, Agencies Say

Oil and gas demand has levelled off, renewable energy costs are falling, and electric vehicles can dominate major markets by 2030, but countries will still need “unprecedented” emission reductions this decade to keep the worst of climate change under control, according to reports by three international agencies released yesterday and today. “The world

Nov 4, 2022

Meat or vegan ultraprocessed products, does it matter?

A number of people choose to remove meat from their meals, and food items made from vegetables are an option. Several options of meat or vegetable products are in the supermarkets, with similar nutritional values. Sodium contents, however, can be significantly higher in veggie meals, making them less healthy. Beware of ultraprocessed food items.

Nov 4, 2022

Il Poker di Virtù

Le immagini più famose delle Virtù sono quelle del Pollaiolo e di Botticelli, risalenti al Rinascimento (1470) e conservate alla Galleria degli Uffizi di Firenze. Ogni donna è raffigurata con oggetti che simboleggiano le caratteristiche di ciascuna Virtù. Il termine VIRT deriva dal latino virtus -utis che significa forza, coraggio, e da vir, che